A simple kubernetes cloud controller manager for example.
// Interface is an abstract, pluggable interface for cloud providers.
type Interface interface {
// Initialize provides the cloud with a kubernetes client builder and may spawn goroutines
// to perform housekeeping or run custom controllers specific to the cloud provider.
// Any tasks started here should be cleaned up when the stop channel closes.
Initialize(clientBuilder ControllerClientBuilder, stop <-chan struct{})
// LoadBalancer returns a balancer interface. Also returns true if the interface is supported, false otherwise.
LoadBalancer() (LoadBalancer, bool)
// Instances returns an instances interface. Also returns true if the interface is supported, false otherwise.
Instances() (Instances, bool)
// Zones returns a zones interface. Also returns true if the interface is supported, false otherwise.
Zones() (Zones, bool)
// Clusters returns a clusters interface. Also returns true if the interface is supported, false otherwise.
Clusters() (Clusters, bool)
// Routes returns a routes interface along with whether the interface is supported.
Routes() (Routes, bool)
// ProviderName returns the cloud provider ID.
ProviderName() string
// HasClusterID returns true if a ClusterID is required and set
HasClusterID() bool
register provider in package.
func init() {
cloudprovider.RegisterCloudProvider(providerName, func(io.Reader) (cloudprovider.Interface, error) {
return newCloudProvider()
kubectl apply -f releases/v0.1.0.yml
cloud controller manager 是一个非常简单的中间件(或者说是客户端), 将云厂商提供的 API 映射到 K8S 的对象,有点像 ORM 了。