
Pomodoro Day Planner

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Pomodoro Day Planner

If you have an hourly plan for the whole week this app allows will display a task you are to work on in a floating window and will remind you to take a break in regular intervals (15 minutes by default).

This app expects you to have a directory containing a list of daily schedules each of them containing a list of task and their starting hours. See example contents for an example of such schedule.



% pip3 install ./path/to/source/directory

Virtual Environment

% virtualenv venv
% source ./venv/bin/activate
% pip3 install ./path/to/source/directory


Just start the app, passing working directory as a command line argument:

% podap -wd ./path/to/working/directory

Building a standalone app

Install and run pyinstall from a virtual environment

% pyinstaller -y --clean ./podap.spec