I'm a programmer who can do many things like Game, Mobile, Desktop, Automation
Dogu TechnologiesSouth Korea, Anyang City
yowpark's Following
- 4roringPearl Abyss
- alyssaxuuLondon, UK
- appiumworldwide
- asus4Freelance
- codediodeioFireship LLC
- dogu-actions
- dogu-teamKorea, South
- fonziWhere the Bison roam free
- gilbutITbook(주)도서출판 길벗
- gvanrossumMicrosoft
- Ikalli@dogu-team
- jiiiiiaiiiii
- kohsuke@cloudbees
- libimobiledeviceGermany
- megayuchiIce Shovel Soft
- nowsprintingYokohama, Japan
- oneofthezombiesKorea, Republic of
- ryugwang
- ShockRabbit
- ShougoJapan
- soultkaHanyang univ
- Stability-AIUnited Kingdom
- tjApex
- ValveSoftware
- warrenbuckley@HackMakeDo