
Elegant way to make a network request🌟

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Network Request Kit

Version License Platform

This code is inspried by Austin Feight's Evolution of a Network Layer. I made it possiable to handle multipart request and deal with response that is ignorable according to my situation.

There is a artical explain why should we wrap network request like this in chinese. We won't go too deep here. If you don't understand what we are doing here. I sugguest you to read this artical first or Evolution of A Networking Layer for a english version.


  • swift 4.x
  • xcode 9.x
  • iOS 9 or above


Through Cocoapods

pod 'NetworkRequestKit', '~> 2.1.2'


Sample Project

Sample project is located in the file NetworkRequestExample. If you don't want to read the instruction below, just open and play with the sample project.

Notice: Remember to install pod before opening sample project.

How to use it


Set Your Base Url

What I will do here is to create a new file in your project naming it NetworkRequestConfig. Inside this file, I will indicate my base url and also set reqeust header if you use Oauth by throwing your access token through header.


import NetworkRequestKit

extension NetworkRequest {
  var baseURL: String { return "http://httpbin.org" }
  var accessToken: String { return "SOMETOKEN" }
  var headers: [String : String] { return ["access_token": accessToken] }

First Look at NetworkRequest

Create Model

Let's assume we have to fetch user information from server. So let's create a struct User. User will have it's name and id. It will be like this.

public struct User {
  let name: String
  let id: Int

Conform to Codable protocol

In order to conform to Codable protocol, just add Codable protocol to your data model, then you're all done! For advance usage or complex nested json, please see Ben Scheirman's Ultimate Guide to JSON Parsing with Swift 4

extension User : Codable {}

Create a network request

In this situation, we are going to fetch user information from server.

final public class FetchUser : NetworkRequest {

Conform to NerworkRequest protocol

We will have to tell which endpoint and method this api call should go and perform. Assume we need to perform a get here, and the end point is at /user.

Also, we need to explicitly tell the request what will the response type be. Here, our ResponseType is User.

final public class FetchUser : NetworkRequest {
  public typealias ResponseType = User
  public var endpoint: String { return "/user" }
  public var method: HTTPMethod { return .get }

Create a perform method

After telling all things we need to perform a request, we are firing the api call right now. Perform method is the method to fire api, and will return a promise with a response.

How do we make a api call using NetworkRequest? This will be really simple. If we conform to NetworkRequest, we will get a networkClient, reponseHandler for free. NetworkClient can help us make the request. ResponseHandler will then transform the data we get from the request into ResponseType we specific above. All these works are chained in Promise chain.

final public class FetchUser : NetworkRequest {
  public typealias ResponseType = User
  public var endpoint: String { return "/user" }
  public var method: HTTPMethod { return .get }
  public func perform() -> Promise<ResonseType> {
    return networkClient.performRequest(self).then(responseHandler)

Advance Usage

Complex network requests

Assume you need to fetch user's information by it's user id. I recommand you to pass in user's id while performing api call like this. Let's make some adjust to our FetchUser.

I recommand you to have a private id inside your class. So, no one can revise this id during your api call is performing.

final public class FetchUser : NetworkRequest {
	public typealias ResponseType = User
  public var endpoint: String { return "/user" }
  public var method: Alamofire.HTTPMethod { return .get }
  public var parameters: [String : Any] { return ["id": id] }
  public var encoding: Alamofire.ParameterEncoding { return URLEncoding.default }
  private id: Int = 0
  public func perform(id: Int) -> Promise<ResonseType> {
    self.id = id
    return networkClient.performRequest(self).then(responseHandler)

If response is not important

We will love the benefits NetworkRequst gave us. Unfortunately, we need to specify our ReponseType at first. We can specify it to Void type () , but this doesn't look good. Therefore, I make a typealias IgnorableResult inside NetworkRequst.

public typealias IgnorableResult = ()

If the response is not important, make ResponseType equal to IgnorableRequslt, and the response will not be parsed.

final public class FetchUser : NetworkRequest {
  public typealias ResponseType = IgnorableRequslt
  public var endpoint: String { return "/user" }
  public var method: HTTPMethod { return .get }
  public func perform() -> Promise<ResonseType> {
    return networkClient.performRequest(self).then(responseHandler)

If the response is an array

In many situation, the response is returned in a json array. What you need to do here is to add angle bracket to your data model type. That's all :)

final public class FetchUsers : NetworkRequest {
  public typealias ResponseType = [User]
  public var endpoint: String { return "/users" }
  public var method: HTTPMethod { return .get }
  public func perform() -> Promise<ResonseType> {
    return networkClient.performRequest(self).then(responseHandler)

If you just want JSON resposne

In some situation, you just want a json back and handle everything by your self, or don't want to create another model file. Use RawJSONResult instead, RawJSONResult is typealias of JSON. Also need rseponse handler here. Notice that json is a dictionary in JS, so it is impossible to have an array response handler here.

final public class FetchUsers : NetworkRequest {
  public typealias ResponseType = RawJSONResult
  public var endpoint: String { return "/users" }
  public var method: HTTPMethod { return .get }
  public func perform() -> Promise<[ResonseType]> {
    return networkClient.performRequest(self).then(responseHandler)

Paging request

Fetching a bunch of data form server is not always a go thing to do. It makes your user experience bad aslo lower the performance on server. So, this is why we need a paging.

It will be like this, conform to PagingEnabledRequest protocol, then you have to specific which page are you on now. Execute response handler, then check if there is next page of data. Remember to track current page in your model or view controller.

PagingResult is a typealias of

typealias PagingResult = (results: [Decodable], nextPage: NextPage)

This is for conveneince, typing such a long return type may be easy to get wrong.

final public class FetchUsers : NetworkRequest, PagingEnabledRequest {
  public typealias ResponseType = IgnorableResult

  public var endpoint: String { return "/users" }
  public var method: HTTPMethod { return .get }
  public var parameters: [String : Any]? { return ["page": page, "per_page": perPage] }

  public var page: Int = 1
  public func perform(page: Int) -> Promise<PagingResult> {
    self.page = page
    return networkClient.performRequest(self).then(responseHandler).then(checkHasNextPage)


There is also a pagingParameters: [String : Any] to get a packed dictionary if you like to combine two dictionary parameters and pagingParameters together.

Multipart request

Like uploading a large image to server, multipart request is often used in Web development. When it comes to iOS, it's not that easy.

MultipartNetworkRequest and MultipartNetworkClient can help you to do this work in a easy way.

MultipartNetworkRequest conforms to NetworkRequest, so all benefits you got in NetworkRequest are also available here. But there are something you need to implement to conform to a MultipartNetworkRequest protocl.

You will need to implement these getters when comforming to MultipartNetworkRequest protocol:

public protocol MultipartNetworkRequest : NetworkRequest {
  /// Data prepared to upload
  var multipartUploadData: Data { get }
  /// e.g. "avatar"
  var multipartUploadName: String { get }
  /// e.g. "file"
  var multipartUploadFileName: String { get }
  /// e.g. "image/jpeg"
  var multipartUploadMimeType: String { get }

This is sample class that you might do to create a multipart upload request:

final public class UploadTask : MultipartNetworkRequest {
  public typealias ResponseType = IgnorableResult
  public var endpoint: String { return "/user/199/uploadAvatar" }
  public var method: HTTPMethod { return .post }
  public var encoding: ParameterEncoding { return URLEncoding.default }
  public var multipartUploadData: Data { return data }
  public var multipartUploadName: String { return "new_avatar" }
  public var multipartUploadFileName: String { return "file" }
  public var multipartUploadMimeType: String { return "image/jpeg" }
  private var data: Data!
  func perform(avatarData: Data) -> Promise<ResponseType> {
  self.data = avatarData
    return networkClient.performUploadRequest(self).then(responseHandler)

Error handling

There are some predefined errors I often use in my project.

  1. If there is something wrong when parsing data, will return .decodingError or .jsonParsingError error.
  2. If there is something wrong while making the api call, will return .apiUnaccepatable error. Error information is attached.
  3. If there is no network, will return .unknownError error. You should fire request everytime nomatter network is available or not. This is recommanded in Alamofire's document. If you want to track the network state, check Alamofire's reachability document.
/// NetworkRequestError
/// - decodingError: Fail to decode.
/// - jsonParsingError: Fail to parse JSON.
/// - requestFailed: Reqeust failed, with error information attached.
/// - unknownError:  Unknown error.
/// - noNetwork:     No network connection.
public enum NetworkRequestError: Error {
  case decodingError(error: DecodingError)
  case jsonParsingError(error: Error)
  case requestFailed(information: RequestErrorInformation)
  case unknownError
  case noNetwork

Handling an error is easy. RequestErrorInformation contains the information you may need to handle an error. error is Alamofire's returned error. statusCode is something like 404, 401. reponseBody contains full information returned by server.

public struct RequestErrorInformation {
  /// Error returned from alamofire.
  let error: Error
  /// Error status code.
  let statusCode: Int?
  /// More error information, this could be returned error information from backend.
  let responseBody: JSON
  init(error: Error, data: Data?, urlResponse: HTTPURLResponse?) {
    self.error = error
    responseBody = JSON(data: data ?? Data())
    statusCode = urlResponse?.statusCode

You can handle the error message by using switch or if-let.

let fetchUser = FetchUser()
fetchUser.perform().catch({ e in 
	// if-let statement
  if case let apiUnacceptable(errorInformation: errorInfo) = e {
  // switch statement
  switch(e) {
  case let apiUnacceptable(errorInformation: errorInfo):

Things to know

  1. GET method with parameters will need to change the encoding to URLEnconding.default, or it's gonna fail with no reason. This maybe Alamofire's bug or is just a RESTful api rule. Its also default setting in NetworkRequest.swift.
  2. If you use OAuth 2.0, you can add your access token inside NetworkRequest extension.
  3. Remember to set your base url, this url maybe an ip or a url to your server.
  4. endpoint DO have to start with a /.
  5. Beware of endpoint and endPoint. Sometimes you get an error that's telling you, you do not conform to NetworkRequest protocol, endpoint must be all lowercased characters!!!