[RA-LSMT model] Conciseness is Better: Recurrent Attention LSTM Model for Document-Level Sentiment Analysis This PyTorch code was used in the experiments of the research paper Data IMDB, Yelp2013, and Yelp2014 datasets are originally from (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PxAkmPLFMnfom46FMMXkHeqIxDbA16oy), Amazon are originally from http://jmcauley.ucsd.edu/data/amazon/, all datasets are unzip to a directory named corpus as : -corpus --IMDB ---file.* --Yelp_13 ---file.* --Yelp_14 ---file.* --Amazon ---file.* Train and Evaluate RA-LSTM training step (eg. IMDB): (1) initializing base model python -m train --task IMDB --num_epochs 6 --feature_dim 300 --depth 3 --step base (2) initializing ATT-N model on 2nd scale python -m train --task IMDB --feature_dim 300 --step att --layer 1 (3) refining model on 2nd scale python -m train --task IMDB --feature_dim 300 --step scale --layer 1 --num_epochs 10 if no need of sharing same base model, following: python -m train --task IMDB --num_epochs 6 --feature_dim 300 --step single python -m train --task IMDB --feature_dim 300 --step scale --layer 1 --num_epochs 10 --using_extend 1 (4) initializing ATT-N model on 3rd scale python -m train --task IMDB --feature_dim 300 --step att --layer 2 (5) refining model on 3rd scale python -m train --task IMDB --feature_dim 300 --step scale --layer 2 --num_epochs 10 if no need of sharing same base model, following: python -m train --task IMDB --num_epochs 6 --feature_dim 300 --step single python -m train --task IMDB --feature_dim 300 --step scale --layer 2 --num_epochs 20 --using_extend 1 (6) training fusion classifier python -m train --task IMDB --feature_dim 300 --step fusion --depth 3 --num_epochs 10 (7) evaluating test dataset python -m train --task IMDB --step eval
Conciseness is Better: Recurrent Attention LSTM Model for Document-Level Sentiment Analysis