
Pygtail reads log file lines that have not been read. It will even handle log files that have been rotated. Based on logcheck's logtail2 (http://logcheck.org)

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


A python "port" of logcheck's logtail2.

Pygtail reads log file lines that have not been read. It will even handle log files that have been rotated.


From the command line:

Usage: pygtail.py [options] logfile

Print log file lines that have not been read.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OFFSET_FILE, --offset-file=OFFSET_FILE
                        File to which offset data is written (default:
  -p, --paranoid        Update the offset file every time we read a line 
                        (as opposed to only when we reach the end of the

In your code:

from pygtail import Pygtail

for line in Pygtail("some.log"):


Pygtail does not handle rotated logs that have been compressed. You should configure your log rotation script so that the most recently rotated log is left uncompressed (logrotated, for example, has a delaycompress option that does just that).

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