A Collection of useful Methods in Java

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

YAPI Release V2.3.0 YAPI Pre-Release V?.?-alpha YAPI Version V2.3.0

Files 305 Methods 1642 Code Lines 31533

Java Version V12.0.1 License: Apache 2.0


My Java API YAPI is a diverse and powerful API to make your live easier with coding. Some problems and ideas have neat solutions within this api. To use it just import it and for questions ask me on GitHub. Feel free to leave suggestions and improvements to any method, class or structure there too.

YAPI's naming

Y for YoyoNow or @YoyoSource. API for application programming interface. You could even say library as this is a consortium of methods and data structures.


YAPI is licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0. See the file LICENSE or visit http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 for details.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Using in other Projects

YAPI is not published on jcenter or mavenCentral. It is published directly to this GitHub repository. You can declare it as a dependency in your gradle.build with:

repositories {
    maven {
        url = uri("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yoyosource/YAPI/master/releases")

dependencies {
    implementation 'yoyosource:YAPI:2.3.0'

Alternative you can download the jar directly from releases.

APIs used

  • [V] Version
  • [L] Licence


Goal Type Reach Date
20,000 Code Lines 14 Feb 2020
1,000 Methods 14 Feb 2020
1,500 Methods 29 Apr 2020
40,000 Code Lines ?
2,000 Methods ?
60,000 Code Lines ?
4,000 Methods ?
80,000 Code Lines ?
5,000 Methods ?
100,000 Code Lines ?

Version Log

  • 1.0 [R] 06 Nov 2019 > Focus on Math, Encryption, and Password cracking
  • 1.1 [A] 21 Jan 2020 > Pre-Release of 1.2. Focus on String Manipulation and Compression
  • 1.2 [R] 05 May 2020 > Focus on Console (ANSI) and log system.
  • 2.0.0 [R] 02 Jun 2020 > Mayor changes throughout the YAPI.
  • [R] Release
  • [A] Alpha
  • [B] Beta
  • [C] Coming soon
  • [P] Planned

Version 1.0

Version 1.0 is the initial release of the YAPI. This Version focuses on Math, Encryption and Password cracking through brute-force. As the YAPI is just a Hobby project the releases won't be regular and what gets released will be heavily influenced by my mood. I will although try to remove any Issue and Bug as soon as possible. Enhancements are encouraged but will be worked off .dequeue() after Bugs or Issues. As I am alone I prefer that you can help me with a pull request on GitHub. I will look into any and try to implement your idea or pull request with the existing system if it is useful and possible. The Wiki will be done soon. If you want to help me fell free to do so with ideas on how to create the Wiki.

Version 1.1-alpha

Version 1.1-alpha is a pre-release of the YAPI and is unfinished. There shouldn't be any problems with this version and everything should work alright. The focus of this version was on some String-Utilities, an efficient Object-Notation (YAPION) and a Compression algorithm for this Object-Notation. I also want to thank everyone, who participated in helping me with this project. With every tester I had, the YAPI got a bit better and I am pleased with this. I hope you all will help even more. To give me an Idea or Bug-Report just make a pull request or open an issue on GitHub.

Version 1.2

Version 1.2 is the third mayor release of the YAPI with many new features and utilities. The focus of this release was on a Console system with ANSI support, a log system. As well as FileUtils, such as HexFileInputStream and HexFileOutputStream. I also want to thank everyone who helped me and tested the YAPI. If you want to help me create a pull request or report a bug with an issue on GitHub.

Version 2.0.0

Version 2.0.0 is a mayor release and refit of the previous versions. Many Utilities got added as well as new Math stuff, String stuff and more.

Maven Version Log

Version 1.0

Version 1.1

Version 1.2

  • 22 Feb 2020 1.2
  • 18 Mar 2020 1.2-1
  • 18 Mar 2020 1.2-2
  • 11 Apr 2020 1.2-3
  • 11 Apr 2020 1.2-3.1
  • 11 Apr 2020 1.2-3.2
  • 11 Apr 2020 1.2-3.3
  • 11 Apr 2020 1.2-3.4

Version 1.3

  • 05 May 2020 1.3
  • 05 May 2020 1.3-1
  • 05 May 2020 1.3-1.1
  • 05 May 2020 1.3-1.2
  • 05 May 2020 1.3-1.3 Changed version Naming to [VERSION]-[REBUILD], eg. 1.3-5 (Version: 1.3, Rebuild: 5)
  • 13 May 2020 1.3-5
  • 14 May 2020 1.3-6
  • 14 May 2020 1.3-7
  • 15 May 2020 1.3-8
  • 15 May 2020 1.3-9
  • 17 May 2020 1.3-10
  • 17 May 2020 1.3-11

Version 2

Changed version Naming to [MAYOR].[MINOR].[PATCH], eg. 2.0.0 (Mayor: 2, Minor: 0, Patch: 0)

  • 02 Jun 2020 2.0.0
  • 02 Jun 2020 2.0.1
  • 03 Jun 2020 2.0.2
  • 03 Jun 2020 2.1.0
  • 23 Jun 2020 2.2.0
  • 01 Jul 2020 2.2.1
  • 01 Jul 2020 2.2.2
  • 11 Jul 2020 2.3.0
  • 20 Jul 2020 2.3.1