
EBICS http interface

Primary LanguageRuby


Build Status

Epics Box is a selfcontained solution to handle SEPA credit/debits and bank statement reconcilliation.

It offers a HTTP interface and can be integrated with different message queueing systems


  • ruby (ruby 2.5.x)
  • redis
  • postgres

Getting started

$ createdb ebicsbox
$ bundle exec bin/migrate


Run it:

$ foreman start


Run it:

$ foreman start


Set the following environment variables:

    • static - auth via access_token
    • oauth - oauth, also requires server and jwt details, see .env.example

If you want the box to be available via a custom (sub-)domain, also provide these


If you want to use a custom postgres instance provide the database connection strings:


see config/configuration.rb

SSL forcing can be disabled by setting


you can store these in a local .env file for development.

It's done via environment variables. You can utilize a .env file while developing locally. Please revise .env.example for a overview of needed parameters.

Generate a secret token

In order to ensure that webhooks are originating from your EbicsBox and have not been modified, we sign each webhook with a predefined secret. Each box should have a unique secret key. In order to generate one, you can use the following command:

  ruby -rsecurerandom -e 'puts SecureRandom.hex(32)'


see docs.ebicsbox.apiary.io


We are using RSpec to test this project. In order to execute all specs once, run bundle exec rspec.

To migrate your test database run the following command:

  $ `ENVIRONMENT`=test bundle exec bin/migrat

Error Tracking

The ebicsbox enables sentry or rollbar as the error tracking software of choice.

using sentry
Define SENTRY_DSN via an environment variable to enable error tracking via sentry

using rollbar
Define ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN via an environment variable to enable error tracking via rollbar


Our goal is to provide an always up-to-date documentation from within the app.

Documentation is available at http://YOUR-HOST/docs

v1 docs are not maintained anymore and are just available as static swagger file


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/epics-http/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request