Introduction to Variables: Strings and Booleans - Lab
Okay, we have learned about our first data type, the String! Now let's do a little practice with strings. We'll use the methods and functions we introduced in the previous lesson to flex our string-manipulating muscles!
You will be able to:
- Understand and use the data type, Strings
- Understand, explain and use the correct data types for various types of information (strings)
Follow the steps below to manipulate the strings and assign the values to the variables below and get the tests to pass.
1. Below, we have a sentance whose cases are all over the place. Let's normailze the cases and make everything lower case except the first letter in the sentence. hint: there is a string method that does this
sentence = "woW WE LOVE cOdInG and strINGS!"
2. Next, we have our Flatiron mantra, but it's not in title case like it should be! Let's fix that and use another string method that makes all strings first letter capitalized.
flatiron_mantra = "learn. love. code."
3. The next thing we want to do is practice turning other data types into strings. Below, we have a number 1234
, which happens to be our street number in our address, which is a string. So, let's turn that into a string so we can evenutally concatenate it onto our address.
num_to_string = 1234
4. Finally, let's take the num_to_string
and add it to the beginning of our street address below. We need to concatenate the variable to the beginning of our string so that we have our full address all in one string and assinged to the variable full_address
full_address = None + " Abc street, Hometown USA"
Great work! In this lab we practiced our skills with strings. We can now manipulate, coerce, and concatenate strings. Remember if there are any things you can't remember or want to discover about code that isn't mentioned in this material, googling is always a great practice!