
Sami (Rust, Typescript and PostgresQL Fullstack Web App)

Primary LanguageRust


Sami (Rust, Typescript and PostgresQL Fullstack Web App)

This is a fullstack personal blog application for myself written in:
API BACKEND – RUST/actix/postgresQL
FRONTEND — Typescript/Remixjs

How To Run Locally

  • Register for Auth0 https://auth0.com following the steps here https://auth0.com/blog/build-an-api-in-rust-with-jwt-authentication-using-actix-web/ to get your Bearer token ready
  • Add Postgres DB variable to `/backdoor/.env;` format: `DB=****************`
  • Add Bearer token variable to `/frontdoor/.env;` format: `TOKEN=******`
  • cd into `backdoor` and run `cargo run` -- to start the api route locally `localhost:5500`
  • cd into `frontdoor`and run `npm run dev` -- to start the frontend locally `localhost:3000`

Boom 🚀🚀🚀!