
Start an application with Sanic and React, deploy with Docker quickly.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This repo is built as a simple boilerplate to deploy a React front-end app with a Python backend api and a Postgres database using docker-compose.

Start an application with a Python Sanic backend using a postgres database and node.js React frontend, deploy with Docker quickly.


  • Docker 1.12.0+


To get started, run the following commands in shell.

  1. Build the docker images with docker-compose

    make build

    This will build the frontend and backend images

  2. Start docker-compose containers with the images

    make up

    This will start 3 docker containers:

    • db: a Postgres 12.x database
    • backend: a bare-bone Python Sanic backend API with asyncpg to connect to the database
    • frontend: a node.js 12.x development server with the React front-end (based on create-react-app) that talks with the backend through a proxy

    Both the frontend and backend support live reload on changes.


A Makefile is provided with easy to use commands:

make up

Starts the docker-composed containers for the frontend, backend and database

make down

Shuts down the docker-composed containers

make build

Build the docker image for frontend and backend

make backend_bash

Provides an interactive bash shell into the Python backend

make frontend_bash

Provides an interactive bash shell into the node.js frontend

make test

Run backend and frontend tests

make lint

Lint backend and frontend src files


The MIT License