Example of end-to-end automated tests with LaunchDarkly flags

A demo of how to do end-to-end automated testing of an app that uses feature flags without having to reconfigure flags in between tests.

This repository contains:

  • A super-simple single-page web app, written in the Express web framework for NodeJS
  • Some simple end-to-end browser tests, using the Cypress test automation framework

The app has two tiny features, each of which is controlled by a distinct flag. The evaluation of the flag sets the state of the feature:

  • Flag enable-feature-x
    • Type: boolean
    • Effect: changes a display message on the front page.
    • Evaluated by: NodeJS (routes/index.js)
  • Flag set-heading-color

The app very basic Express app, with two special middleware functions:

  • The LaunchDarkly SDK middleware adds ldClient and ldContext objects to the request object.
  • The second function looks for request cookies with names that start with TESTFLAG_, then adds each cookie's name and value as a custom attribute in the ldContext object. (This middleware is controlled by the set-flag-context-with-cookies flag, and should only be enabled in test environments.)

The tests exercise all the states for those features without changing the flag configurations; instead, each flag has targeting rules that check a dedicated custom attribute for that flag.

For example, the enable-feature-x flag defaults to serving false, and has this single targeting rule:

  • IF TESTFLAG_enable-feature-x is one of true (str) SERVE true

To test the app with the flag serving true, the test spec doesn't need to change the flag; it just sets a cookie in the automated browser. See cypress/e2e/ld-testing-demo/feature_x.cy.js for the test code.


  1. Ensure you have these dependencies installed:
    • NodeJS, version 12.0 or greater
    • yarn
  2. Clone this repository locally.
  3. Within the repository folder, run yarn to install the dependencies.
  4. Create a LaunchDarkly project with the flags listed above: enable-feature-x, set-heading-color, set-flag-context-with-cookies
  5. Add the SDK key for the project's test environment to .env.example, and rename that file to .env
  6. Add the Client ID for the project's test environment to public/javascripts/header_color.js, replacing the existing Client ID on line 2.

Running the app


yarn start 

... to start the app server. The web app will be accessible at http://localhost:3000/

Running the tests

Keep the app server running, and in a separate shell, start the Cypress app:

yarn run cypress open

The Cypress test runner window should appear. Choose "E2E Testing", followed by the browser of your choice. You should then see the various specs listed; click on each to run it.

Questions? Comments? Improvements?

Please file issues or pull requests on this repository, and I'll get to them when I can!