
Answer for Bito Company

Primary LanguageMakefile


Answer for Bito Company by yp


STEP 1 : Compile project

    $cd tag_detector/src

STEP 2 : launch the node for publishing video

type in a new terminal
    $source devel/setup.bash
    $rosrun tag_detector video_frame_pub

STEP 3 : launch the node for subscribing video

type in a new terminal
    $source devel/setup.bash
    $rosrun tag_detector video_frame_sub

STEP 4 : call rosservice

type in a new terminal
    $source devel/setup.bash
    $rosservice call set_blur_window_size 11 11 
        (the window size should be odd and > 0 )


The relationship between nodes:


The result(one frame of all images):



In the question 8 , i think the question should be solved like this:

J = I o K;  

I represents original image; o represents convolution; K represents blur kernel; J represents the blurred image;

So we should implement a deblur filter like this:

FFT(J) = FFT(I o K) = FFT(I) × FFT(K);
I = IFFT( FFT(J) / FFT(K) );

And I take the wiener filter and Richardson_Lucy Algorithm as a comparison


The right upper image is the blurred image with Gaussian kernel.

The right lower image named Deconv image was got by wiener filter ,somehow the content of image was damaged. Because of time , i give up the method.

The left lower image was got by Richardson_Lucy Algorithm.However,it needs many iterations to improve the result, so applying it to the video deblurr problem is not a good idea!

So my result was not as good as i imagined because of lack of time.