
Erlang build tool that makes it easy to compile and test Erlang applications, port drivers and releases.

Primary LanguageErlangApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


rebar 3.0 is an Erlang build tool that makes it easy to compile and test Erlang applications, port drivers and releases.

Build Status

rebar is a self-contained Erlang script, so it's easy to distribute or even embed directly in a project. Where possible, rebar uses standard Erlang/OTP conventions for project structures, thus minimizing the amount of build configuration work. rebar also provides dependency management, enabling application writers to easily re-use common libraries from a variety of locations (git, hg, etc).

3.0 Alpha


This is a preliminary branch, considered to be alpha, and still very unstable. Use at your own risk, but please do report bugs and issues encountered and we'll try to resolve problems as soon as possible.

Compatibility with rebar 2.0 has been broken, and features removed to limit scope.


Command Description
as Higher-order provider to run multiple tasks in sequence as certain profiles
compile Build project
clean Remove project apps beam files
cover Generate coverage info from data compiled by eunit --cover or ct --cover
ct Run Common Test suites
do Higher-order provider to run multiple tasks in sequence
dialyzer Run the Dialyzer analyzer on the project
edoc Generate documentation using edoc
eunit Run eunit tests
escriptize Generate escript of project
help Print help for rebar or task
new Create new rebar project from templates
pkgs List available packages
release Build release of project
shell Run shell with project apps in path
tar Package release into tarball
update Update package index
upgrade Fetch latest version of dep
version Print current version of Erlang/OTP and rebar
xref Run cross reference analysis on the project


  • Fetches and builds deps if missing when running any command that relies on them
  • Automatically recognizes apps and lib directory structure
  • Relx for releases


  • Reltool integeration


Providers are the modules that do the work to fulfill a user's command.





-define(PROVIDER, something).
-define(DEPS, []).

%% ===================================================================
%% Public API
%% ===================================================================

-spec init(rebar_state:state()) -> {ok, rebar_state:state()}.
init(State) ->
    State1 = rebar_state:add_provider(State, rebar_provider:create([{name, ?PROVIDER},
                                                                    {module, ?MODULE},
                                                                    {bare, false},
                                                                    {deps, ?DEPS},
                                                                    {example, "rebar dummy"},
                                                                    {short_desc, "dummy plugin."},
                                                                    {desc, ""},
                                                                    {opts, []}])),
    {ok, State1}.

-spec do(rebar_state:state()) -> {ok, rebar_state:state()}.
do(State) ->
    %% Do something
    {ok, State}.


Recommended installation of Erlang/OTP is binary packages from Erlang Solutions. For source it is recommended you use erln8 or kerl.


To build rebar you will need a working installation of Erlang R15 (or later).

Should you want to clone the rebar repository, you will also require git.


You can download a pre-built binary version of rebar3 based on the last commit from:


Building rebar

$ git clone https://github.com/rebar/rebar3
$ cd rebar
$ ./bootstrap/bootstrap
==> rebar (compile)
Congratulations! You now have a self-contained script called "rebar" in
your current working directory. Place this script anywhere in your path
and you can use rebar to build OTP-compliant apps.

Contributing to rebar

Please refer to CONTRIBUTING.

Community and Resources

In case of problems that cannot be solved through documentation or examples, you may want to try to contact members of the community for help. The community is also where you want to go for questions about how to extend rebar, fill in bug reports, and so on.

The main place to go for questions is the rebar mailing list. If you need quick feedback, you can try the #rebar channel on irc.freenode.net. Be sure to check the wiki first, just to be sure you're not asking about things with well known answers.

For bug reports, roadmaps, and issues, visit the github issues page.

General rebar community resources and links: