
A movie browsing web app that uses the MongoDB sample_mflix database.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

mflix - A place to search and discover movies

mflix uses the sample database that MongoDB Atlas provides called sample_mflix. This database contains 20000+ movies with data such as actors, ratings, release date, etc...

This project was made to learn, use, and get familiar with Next.js and MongoDB.

View deployed app here: https://mflix-ypatel2022.vercel.app


Note: These instructions assume that you already have Node.js, npm (comes with Node.js), and git setup on your computer.

MongoDB Setup

  1. Start off by creating an account on MongoDB's website.
  2. After creating an account, follow these steps to create a new cluster until you get your cluster's connection string. Copy the connection string somewhere because we will need it later for our .env.local file.
  3. Next download the sample_data to your MongoDB Atlas. This will download our sample_mflix database for us. This will take some time to download so don't worry!
  4. Finally, follow steps 1-7 from here. When on step 6, use movieTitleSearch as the Index Name and select the movies collection under the sample_mflix database.

Project Setup

Clone the repository on your terminal:

git clone https://github.com/ypatel2022/mflix.git

Change terminal directory to project directory:

cd mflix

Install relevant project dependencies in terminal:

npm install

Create a file called .env.local in the project directory and copy the following code. Make sure to replace YOUR_CONNECTION_STRING_HERE with your connection string you got earlier.


Start up the development server by typing:

npm run dev

Open up a web browser and visit:


Now you can edit the code inside the project and see live changes! 🚀

For more information on developing Next.js websites, take a look at the documentation. If you want to deploy your Next.js website, use Vercel (the creators of Next.js!)