Fresh Onions TOR Hidden Service Crawler
This is a copy of the source for the http://zlal32teyptf4tvi.onion hidden service, which implements a tor hidden service crawler/spider and website.
- Crawls the darknet looking for new hidden service
- Find hidden services from a number of clear net sources
- Optional full-text Elasticsearch support
- Marks clone sites of the /r/darknet super list
- Finds SSH fingerprints across hidden services
- Finds email addresses across hidden services
- Finds bitcoin addresses across hidden services
- Shows incoming / outgoing links to onion domains
- Up-to-date alive/dead hidden service status
- Portscanner
- Search for "interesting" URL paths, useful 404 detection
- Automatic language detection
- Fuzzy clone detection (requires Elasticsearch, more advanced than super list clone detection)
- Doesn't fuck around in general.
This software is made available under the GNU Affero GPL 3 License. What this means is that is you deploy this software as part of the networked software that is available to the public, you must make the source code available (and any modifications).
From the GNU site:
The GNU Affero General Public License is a modified version of the ordinary GNU GPL version 3. It has one added requirement: if you run a modified program on a server and let other users communicate with it there, your server must also allow them to download the source code corresponding to the modified version running there
- python
- tor
This software requires an Elasticsearch version in the 5.x series. As of this writing, the latest is 5.6.6. 6.x is known to be problematic. Also, if you decide to install Kibana or any extra functionalities linked to Elasticsearch, install them with the same version otherwise it won't work.
Do not start too many instances of scraper/crawler because, with only 4 instances of tor proxy, it will be hard to connect to the onion site. If you create more than 3-4 instances, it could become really slow. In this situation, the crawler will become so slow that they will not be able to crawl pages. So you will not progress with this method. Let the crawler run and you will create a bigger list of valid domains with information in it.
The Pastebin script works only if you are on the whitelist of Pastebin. If you're not, you will need to read the scraping API to understand how to activate it:
After booting, be sure that the link between Tor and Privoxy are working. To test it, use these commands.
curl --socks5-hostname http://http://workingOnionWebsite
curl --proxy http://workingOnionWebsite
If it didn't work, fix the problem before crawling because all your onions will convert to a "dead" status. You can try to run the
to reinitialize the links.
To use the new version of tor, you should follow these steps: By using the last version of tor, you will be able to crawl the new generation of onions (V3).
If you used a version older than 0.3.x, you can have a problem with the update to 0.3.x. I was missing two libraries:
- libssl1.1
- libzstd1
So, I installed them:
sudo apt-get install libzstd1
To install libssl1.1, I used a Debian package:
Use the bottom arrow to go at the bottom of the page and select your "Architecture Package Size". When you had made your choice, click on the right arrow, it will redirect you to the download page. Now it's the same thing. Use the bottom arrow to go down and choose the one that you want. When you find the one, just click on the right arrow. At the bottom of your interface, you will see D) Download or C) Cancel
. Press D
. When you will see the text Save to disk
, go on it. Press the right arrow and press on Enter
. When it's done click on q
and y
to quit.
dpkg -i libssl1.1_1.1.0g-2ubuntu2_amd64.deb #the name of your debain package
Finish the tor installation by looking to your version. If you have the last one (0.3.2 at the time that I wrote it).
tor --version
sudo apt-get install haproxy
sudo apt-get install privoxy
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install --upgrade pip
sudo pip install virtualenv
sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
Go in your crawler/scraper folder and write.
virtualenv venv
then activate it.
. venv/bin/activate
# Run the next command when you're in your virtual environment because if you aren't, it will install in your normal environment
pip install -r requirements.txt
*** Mysql has problems with some syntax in the code so I recommend you to install MariaDB ***
sudo apt-get install mariadb-server
sudo apt-get install mariadb-client
Now we will connect to MariaDB and create our database from schema.sql
. We need to be in the folder to be able to see schema.sql
because we will need it later.
mysql -u root
use databaseName;
source schema.sql
To know if all works well you should have "Query OK" on each row. You should have 20 tables if you do this command:
show tables;
Need a modification to be able to connect Elasticsearh with our database.
use mysql;
update user set plugin='mysql_native_password' where User='root';
flush privileges;
#To secure the installation. By default the password should be empty so just press enter. I recommand to put one.
sudo mysql_secure_installation
#To reconnect
mysql -u root -p
Edit etc/database
for your database setup
Edit etc/tor/torrc
to uncomment the line : SocksPort 9050 (line 18)
Edit etc/uwsgi_only
and set BASEDIR to wherever torscraper is installed (i.e. /home/user/torscraper)
Edit etc/proxy
for your TOR setup
export TOR_PROXY_PORT=3129
#export TOR_PROXY_PORT=3140
export TOR_PROXY_HOST=localhost
export http_proxy=http://localhost:3129
#export http_proxy=http://localhost:3140
export https_proxy=https://localhost:3129
export SOCKS_PROXY=localhost:9050
Now we will go in Privoxy config
cd /etc/privoxy/
cp default.action default.action.orig
cp default.filter default.filter.orig
touch default.action (leave the file empty)
touch default.filter (leave the file empty)
service tor start
service privoxy start
service haproxy start
service elasticsearch start
service mysql start
Go to the scripts folder and run this command
Now it's time to try. Go to the directory: .../freshonions-torscraper/scripts/. This directory is relative, you could have changed the name of the directory.
Now you can test if it works with the new generation of onions (V3) (test all ports 9051, 9052, 90... and 3129, 3130, 31...)
curl --socks5-hostname http://jamie3vkiwibfiwucd6vxijskbhpjdyajmzeor4mc4i7yopvpo4p7cyd.onion/
curl --proxy http://jamie3vkiwibfiwucd6vxijskbhpjdyajmzeor4mc4i7yopvpo4p7cyd.onion/
If you get something like "Privoxy localhost port forwarding" don't continue, it will not work.
./ someoniondirectory.onion
To start the flask server to see our web interface.
To set up the port forwarding from your server to your browser, do this command on your computer to access server
ssh -L 5000:localhost:5000 username@IpAddressOfServer
To try if it works well for now.
scripts/ someoniondirectory.onion
scripts/ anotheroniondirectory.onion
script/ #To get onions (just detect the onions, don't go deeper to find bitcoin address, emails, etc.)
init/ #To start crawling (will get bitcoin address, emails, etc. if you already found onions with
init/ #To keep site status up to date
The Torscraper comes with optional Elasticsearch capability (enabled by default). Edit etc/elasticsearch
and set vars or set ELASTICSEARCH_ENABLED=false
to disable.
Run scripts/
to perform the initial setup after configuration.
If Elasticsearch is disabled there will be no full-text search, however crawling and discovering new sites will still work.
You will need to install Elasticsearch(probably not only the pip package), this is the link to download the last version of 5.x. : . You can have problems with versions (like I said in the warning section). If you want to be sure you are using the right version, you can do this command :
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200'
To enable Elasticsearch
service elasticsearch start
./ #To perform the initial setup or if you want to reset Elasticsearch, but we need it at the beginning to start it.
After restart :
. venv/bin/activate
./script/ #To start the instance of tor and privoxy
./scripts/ #Launch flask to have a web interface
#Harvest onions from various sources
1 18 * * * /home/freshonions-torscraper/scripts/
#Get ssh fingerprints for new sites
1 4,16 * * * /home/freshonions-torscraper/scripts/
#Mark sites as genuine / fake from the /r/darknetmarkets superlist
1 1 * * 1 /home/freshonions-torscraper/scripts/
#Scrape pastebin for onions (needs paid account / IP whitelisting)
*/5 * * * * /home/freshonions-torscraper/scripts/
#Portscan new onions
1 13 * * * /home/freshonions-torscraper/scripts/
#Scrape stronghold paste
32 */2 * * * /home/freshonions-torscraper/scripts/
#Detect clones
20 14 * * * /home/freshonions-torscraper/scripts/
#Keep a sql dump of data
1 */1 * * * mysqldump -u username -ppassword --database tor --result-file=/home/dump.sql
1 */8 * * * mysqldump -u username -ppassword --database tor --result-file=/home/dump_backup.sql
Fresh Onions runs on two servers, a frontend host running the database and hidden service website, and a backend host running the crawler. Probably most interesting to the reader is the setup for the backend. TOR as a client is COMPLETELY SINGLETHREADED. I know! It's 2017, and along with a complete lack of flying cars, TOR runs in a single thread. What this means is that if you try to run a crawler on a single TOR instance you will quickly find you are maxing out your CPU at 100%.
The solution to this problem is running multiple TOR instances and connecting to them through some kind of frontend that will round-robin your requests. The Fresh Onions crawler runs eight Tor instances.
Debian (and Ubuntu) comes with a useful program "tor-instance-create" for quickly creating multiple instances of TOR. I used Squid as my frontend proxy, but unfortunately, it can't connect to SOCKS directly, so I used "Privoxy" as an intermediate proxy. You will need one Privoxy instance for every TOR instance. There is a script in "scripts/" to help with creating Privoxy instances on Debian systems. It also helps to replace /etc/privoxy/default.filter with an empty file, to reduce CPU load by removing unnecessary regexes.
Additionally, this resource might be useful in setting up squid. If all you are doing is crawling and don't care about anonymity, I also recommend running TOR in tor2web mode (required recompilation) for increased speed.