This project is designed to test your knowledge of back-end web technologies, specifically in .NET and assess your ability to create back-end products with attention to details, standards, and reusability.
The goal of this exercise is to create a simple browser-based chat application using .NET.
This application should allow several users to talk in a chatroom and also to get stock quotes from an API using a specific command.
- Allow registered users to log in and talk with other users in a chatroom.
- Allow users to post messages as commands into the chatroom with the following format /stock=stock_code
- Create a decoupled bot that will call an API using the stock_code as a parameter (, here is the stock_code)
- The bot should parse the received CSV file and then it should send a message back into the chatroom using a message broker like RabbitMQ. The message will be a stock quote using the following format: APPL.US quote is $93.42 per share. The post owner will be the bot.
- Have the chat messages ordered by their timestamps and show only the last 50 messages.
- Unit test the functionality you prefer.
- Have more than one chatroom.
- Use .NET identity for users authentication
- Handle messages that are not understood or any exceptions raised within the bot.
- Build an installer, this is missing never built wix using MacOS
- Docker Compose service: Incomplete, due to time i was not able to finish the config and create the network, that is why we need the how to run session.
- Create RabbitMq container:
docker run -d --hostname rmq --name rabbit-server -p 8080:15672 -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:3-management
- Create Sql Server container:
docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=Str0ngPa$$w0rd' -e 'MSSQL_PID=Express' -p 1433:1433 -d
- Run migrations:
dotnet ef database update
- Run the project:
dotnet run
- We will open 2 browser windows and log in with 2 different users to test the functionalities.
- The stock command won't be saved on the database as a post.
- The project is totally focused on the backend; please have the frontend as simple as you can.
- Keep confidential information secure.
- Pay attention if your chat is consuming too many resources.
- Keep your code versioned with Git locally.
- Feel free to use small helper libraries