
:octocat: My envs for MacOs, Linux and windows  🐧 🪟

Primary LanguageShell

👋 Welcome to my Dotfiles!

These are the base dotfiles that I start with when I set up a new environment. Over the years, I've assembled a collection of useful tools and configurations that speed up my workflow and make system tasks more enjoyable.

📝 What's Inside?

A whole bunch of awesome stuff! Here's a list:

  • 🌐 General Tools

    • Microsoft Edge
    • Google Chrome
    • Spotify
    • Notion
    • Bitwarden
    • Neofetch
    • Btop
  • 📞 Communication Tools

    • Discord
    • Slack
    • Microsoft Teams
    • Skype
  • 💻 Development Tools

    • .NET
    • Node Version Manager (NVM)
    • Yarn
    • JetBrains Toolbox
    • Visual Studio Code
    • Docker
  • ☁️ Cloud Tools

    • AWS CLI
    • Azure CLI
  • 🐚 Shell Configurations

    • ZSH with oh-my-zsh
    • Powerlevel10k theme
    • ZSH Autosuggestions
    • ZSH Syntax Highlighting
  • ⚙️ Git Configuration

🚀 Quick Start

Follow these steps to get my environment up and running in no time:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.

    git clone https://github.com/ypedroo/my-env.git
  2. Navigate to the repository folder.

    cd my-env
  3. Make the setup script executable.

    chmod +x setup.sh
  4. Run the setup script.


And voila! Your environment should be up and running with my favourite configurations and tools.

⚠️ Disclaimer

Please review the setup script before running it. I am not responsible for any unforeseen consequences of running this script on your system.

Enjoy your new environment! 🎉