
Implements matrix sketching using octave

Primary LanguageMercury

Dimension Reduction using Frequent Direction

Implements matrix sketching using octave, two data sets are used for test.

  • handwriting digits, \in R^{7291 \times 256}, dimension reduction
  • Random data, instance sketching

If original data set is too large to be loaded onto memory, matrix sketching provides a efficient way for holding only $\ell$ sized data on memory, where $\ell$ << original size $N$.

Method Description
load_digits load handwriting digits dataset to memory
sketch matrix sketching
reduce dimension reduction
nzero_idx find out index of largest non-zero column from matrix
plot_digits plotting digits onto 2-dimentional space
dig_reduction main script of dimension reduction
generate_purchase generate random data
load_purchase load random data to memory
evt_reduction main script of instance sketching
Dimension reduction

Regarding handwriting digits, there are 10 types of digits, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Therefore, 10 might be a reasonable feature size of dataset. I tried 256, 32, 16, 12, 10, 8 features respectively. The major 2 components plot is shown as the following figure.


16 almost makes no difference from 256(original feature size). From 12 to 8, it starts losing information due to fewer components could not reconstruct data set well.

If you compare the frequent directions between 16 and 10, it can also explains that why 16 can outperform 10 for reconstructing data set.

  • 16-components


  • 10-components


As mentioned by the sketching paper, Original matrix A \in R^{n \times m} could be skeched row by row in stream style. The sketched matrix B \in R^{\ell \times m} follows $0 \preceq B^TB \preceq A^TA$. Inspired by this, if we decompose B to $B = CX$, where X \in R^{k \times m} is k most representative directions. The author of sketching paper used SVD for decomposing B like $[U,\Sigma,V] = SVD(B)$ and U^TU = V^TV = VV^T = I_\ell(I_\ell stands for the \ell \times \ell identity matrix). It is a implicit condition that \ell < m.

Instance sketching

In some cases, we may know X as pre-knowledge and a streamed A, where A_i(i-th row of A) selected from X_i(i \in 1,2,3...k). At any time t, if we obtain B_t from stream, then C_t shows how X contributes to B_t at time t.