
Predicting Organic Reaction Outcomes with Weisfeiler-Lehman Network

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Predicting Organic Reaction Outcomes with Weisfeiler-Lehman Network

This repository contains the data and codes of the paper:

Predicting Organic Reaction Outcomes with Weisfeiler-Lehman Network (NIPS 2017) PDF


  • USPTO-15K/data.zip contains the train/dev/test split of USPTO-15K dataset used in our paper, borrowed from Coley et al. Each line in the file has two fields, separated by space:

    • Reaction smiles (products are not atom mapped)

    • Four types of reaction edits:

      1. Atoms lost Hydrogens
      2. Atoms obtained Hydrogens
      3. Deleted bonds
      4. Added bonds

      The first two subfields contains a list of atom. The last two subfields includes a list of triples in the form of (atom1-atom2-bondtype). All atoms are indicated by their atom map numbers given in the reaction smiles. See the following table for all possible bond types:

    Bond Type Bond Name
    1.0 Single bond
    2.0 Double bond
    3.0 Triple bond
    1.5 Aromatic bond
  • USPTO/data.zip includes the train/dev/test split of USPTO dataset used in our paper. It has in total 480K fully atom mapped reactions. Each line in the file has two fields, separated by space:

    • Reaction smiles (both reactants and products are atom mapped)
    • Reaction center. That is, atom pairs whose bonds in between changed in the reaction. Atoms are represented by their atom map number given in the reaction smiles.
  • human/ directory contains the 80 reactions used in our human study.


Training and testing codes are in respective repositories:

  • core-wln-global/ includes codes for reaction core identification (referred as global model in the paper).
  • rank-wln/ includes codes for WLN + sum-pooling in the paper for candidate ranking
  • rank-diff-wln/ includes codes for WL Difference Network (WLDN) for candidate ranking

Sample usage are provided in USPTO/README.md, which also applies to USPTO-15K. We used tensorflow-0.12.1 for development:



Wengong Jin (wengong@csail.mit.edu)

Connor W. Coley (ccoley@mit.edu)