
Hobby project to learn how to scrape images from the web, classify them, and create new images using Time magazine covers.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Hobby project to learn how to scrape images from the web, classify them, and create new images.

Started by adapting a tutorial to scrape Time magazine covers using scrapy (https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2015/10/12/scraping-images-with-python-and-scrapy/).
Then continued to examine the decadal average images using this tutorial (https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2015/10/19/analyzing-91-years-of-time-magazine-covers-for-visual-trends/). Finally I applied a couple simple unsupervised clustering tools (k-means and gaussian mixture models) to see if similar covers clusters could be extracted and if they related to the decadal average image trends.

Scraper code here: coverspider. I reccommend going through the tutorial to get this working. Also I had to modify the scraper since the website had changed.

Averaging and clustering code here: Analyze_covers.