- Choose a project maintainer
- This person should fork this repo
- Create issues according to what you wish to work on
- Rest of the project branch from this repo and submit pull requests to master
bower install
npm install
gulp serve
Your server will run on localhost:3001. Login using the credentials: localStorageUser / cheese
- Use https://waffle.io/ integration to manage issues
Below is a list of potential backlog ideas for you to work on :)
- Add logged in user to user-list (medium)
- Validate for unique only users from the user list (hard)
- Display validation messages (easy)
- Make page truly private (easy)
- display paginated table of results (medium)
- implement pagination (medium)
- create route to display a list of movies according to one of the endpoints such as box office, etc... 2. Use resolve blocks to load this information from an API call 3. write actions
- Pagination of results
- Same as movie list
- Route, resolve, API call,...
- Loading display for each page (medium)
- Swap out localStorage for indexedDB for User persistence (medium/hard)
- Swap out localStorage login for OAuth login (medium/hard)
- Swap out RottenTomatoes for OMDB or json-server (easy)