
All-in-one Tool for teachers to use Github Classroom with ease

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Invisible Hand

Invisible Hand is a set of tools to manage your classroom inside github organization. It utilizes Google Sheets , GitHub Classroom and GitHub seamlessly.


1. Install via pip

pip install invisible-hand

2. Install chromedriver

  • OSX

brew cask install chromedriver

  • Ubuntu

apt install chromium-chromedriver

Config Files

Invisible Hand operates on 2 config files: github_config.ini and gsheet_config.ini .

Calling hand will automatically propagate these files into working directory with default template. Make sure you have configured them correctly before using them.

Additionally, if you want to use Announce Grade , follow here to get your client secret file and rename it to client_secret.json



The root command

Show Detail Information

Help Message

append -h or --help options get help messages

$ hand -h
Usage: hand [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

    Toolkits for compiler-f19

    -h, --help         Show this message and exit.

    add-students       student_ids: ids to add
    announce-grade     announce student grades to each hw repo
    event-times        repo-hashes : list of <repo>:<hash> strings ex:...
    grant-team-access  Add students into a github team hw-prefix: prefix for...
    patch-project      Patch to student homeworks

Add Students

invite users into your github organization

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hand add-students [github_handle]...

Use -h to see more detailed information about this command.

github_handle: github accounts


hand add-students ianre657 cmprfk1 cmprfk2 cmprfk3

Config file

  • github_config.ini
    • [github]:personal_access_token
    • [github]:organization
    • [add_students]:default_team_slug


  • Some students report that they didn't get the invitation email.

    Invite student into your organization from their email. This should be Github's issue.

    about 2 of 80 students got this issue from our previous experience.

Grant specific team read access to H. W. repos

Grant read access right of TA's group to students' homework repo

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Config File

  • github_config.ini:
    • [grant_read_access]:reader_team_slug : team slug of your TA's group


hand grant-read-access <hw_title>


hand grant-read-access hw3

Patch Project

Patch to student homework repositories.

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Config File

  • github_config.ini:
    • [github]:personal_access_token
    • [github]:organization
  • gsheet_config.ini
    • [google_spreadsheet]:spreadsheet_url


hand patch-project <hw_title> [--only-repo] <patch_branch>

Use -h to see more detailed information about this command.

Below is the standard workflow to follow.


take homework : __ hw3 __(the title of your homework in github classroom) for example:

  1. The repo __ tmpl-hw3 __ would be your template for initializing homeworks.
  2. Create another repo to update your template, let's say: __ tmpl-hw3-revise __
  3. Inside __ tmpl-hw3-revise , create a revision branch __ 1-add-some-new-feature __ (whatever you like) and an issuse named as the branch name (in this example, __ 1-add-some-new-feature ), which will be the content of your PR message.
  4. Open github-classroom, choose your assignment (__ hw3 __) and disable assignment invitation URL of __ hw3 __.
  5. Create an PR to your template repo (__ hw3 __) by using this command.
    hand patch-project hw3 --only-repo="tmpl-hw3" 1-add-some-new-feature

6. Accept the PR in your template repository (__ `tmpl-hw3` __). After that, enable the `assignment invitation URL` of `hw3` in GitHub Classroom. Now you have succcessfully updated your template repo.
7. Create PRs to students template repositories ( `hw3-<their github id>` ) by running the scirpt as followed.


``` sh
    hand patch-project hw3 1-add-some-new-feature

    This script would patch to every repository that uses __hw3__ as the prefix under your GitHub organization.

8. Merge the revision brnach __ `1-add-some-new-feature` __ into `master` in your __ `tmpl-hw3-revise` __ repo. After this step, all documents are updated.

#### Demo (Deprecated)

<img src="./demos/patcher.gif" alt="patcher-demo-video" width="640">



### Crawl Classroom

Crawling homework submission data from Github Classroom

<details><summary><b>Show Detail Information</b></summary>

This is a web crawler for Github Classroom, which is the input of [ `Event Times` ](#event-times)

#### Config File

* __github_config.ini__:
  + `[crawl_classroom]:login` : your login id in Github Classroom
  + `[crawl_classroom]:classroom_id` : the id field of your classroom RESTful page URL. (see the image below)

    <img src="./imgs/clsrm_id.png" alt="id field in the url of github classroom" width="640">

#### Format

``` sh
hand crawl-classroom [OPTIONS] HW_TITLE OUTPUT

Use -h to see more detailed information about this command


hand crawl-classroom --passwd=(cat ~/cred/mypass) hw5 hw5_handle.txt

This example suppose you use Fish Shell and store your password inside ~/cred/mypass Users should type their passsword inside the pop-up window if they don't provide their password in the argument


  • ChromeDriver
  selenium.common.exceptions.SessionNotCreatedException: Message: session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 79

upgrade your chromedriver via brew cask upgrade chromedriver

  • All students not submitted
    • Remember to set deadline of hw on the GitHub classroom (note that deadline can only be set at a future time)



Event Times

Retrieve information about late submissions

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What it actually does

Compare the last publish-time of specific git commit in each repository and print out which passed the deadline.

Config File

  • github_config.ini:
    • [event_times]:deadline deadline for homework, in ISO8601 compatible format.

      For example 2019-11-12 23:59:59 (the timezone is set to your local timezone as default).


hand event-times <input_file> [--deadline="yyyy-mm-dd"]

input-file: file contains list of repo-hash .

repo-hash : in the format of <repo>:<git commit hash> , (for example: hw0-ianre657:cb75e99)

Github API use the first 7 characters of a commit's SHA-1 value to communicate, so the hash we used here is in the length of 7.

The input pairs repo:hash could be retrieve from Crawl Classroom .

__ --deadline __: it will use the variable inside github_config.ini as default.

__ --target-team __ (optional): teams to operate on (use team-slug)


hand event-times  --target-team="2020-inservice-students" --deadline="2019-11-12 23:59:59"  hw1-handin-0408.txt

Demo (need to be updated)


Announce Grade

Publish feedbacks by creating Issue to student's homework repo.

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In every homework project, we would create a git repository for every student. Take homework hw3 with two students Anna and Bella for example, we expect there would be two repos under our github organization, which is hw3-Anna and hw3-Bella . During our grading process, T. A.s would record every grade in a google sheet with a tab named hw3 and a markdown file for each student in every assignment as their feedbacks. After their homeworks being graded, we use this code to publish student's grade by creating Issue s named Grade for hw3 to each of their github repositories.

The markdown file for feedbacks contains python template strings, and those strings are the column names inside our google sheet tab hw3 . One template string we used is students grades, this makes managing grades more easily.

To use this code, you need to fufill some assumptions.

Lets say you're about to announce the grade for hw3 :

  • prequisite:
    1. a git repo to store student feedback templates, which strutured as followed:
  . Hw-manager # root of your git repo
  ├── hw3
  │   └── reports
  │       ├── 0411276.md
  │       ├── 0856039.md
  │       └── 0956323.md
  └── hw4 # other homework dir

and inside 0411276.md , it would be:

  # Information

  + Student Id: ${student_id}
  + Grade : ${grade}

  # <Some other important things...>
  1. a google sheet to store student information
| student_id | grade |
| :--------: | :---: |
|  0856039   |  93   |
|  0411276   |  80   |

Config file

  • github_config.ini
    • [github]:personal_access_token
    • [github]:organization
    • [announce_grade]:feedback_source_repo (e.x.: Hw-manager)
  • gsheet_config.ini
    • [google_spreadsheet]:spreadsheet_id
  • client_secret.json (follow here to download your oauth2 secret file and renamed it to client_secret.json)

instructions to follow

  1. Edit config files properly.
  2. Create feedbacks for students in your feedback_source_repo
  3. use this script


hand announce-grade <hw_title> [--only-id <student_id>]


--only-id : only patch to this student id


hand announce-grade hw3 --only-id 0411276