
Simple Reverse Proxy with Http Basic Auth via Cloudflare Workers

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple Reverse Proxy with Http-Basic Auth via Cloudflare Workers

Forked from https://github.com/dommmel/cloudflare-workers-basic-auth and add simple reverse proxy


Never create reverse proxy on Cloudflare Workers without auth protection!

  • Services without auth may be abused, and then lead to your CloudFlare account being locked.
  • Use this project to protect your proxy behind http-basic auth.


  1. Set secrets and target host name in index.js
const SECRET = "your-secret";               // Set your secret key here
const HOST_NAME = "target-website.com";     // Set target website you want to proxy here
  1. Save and copy index.js to your CloudFlare worker, then deploy
  2. Visit https://your-secret@xxx.workers.dev to pass http-basic auth and access target website through proxy