
Hide annoying connect-bar at the top of of HyperV VM window when in full-screen mode

Primary LanguageC++


The Remote Desktop Connect app provides us with an option to hide connect-bar forever, but Hyperv's vmconnect.exe does not! This horrible ugly unclosable floating bar is annoying!

Let's fuck it.


  1. Start and enter into any Hyperv VM
  2. Execute FuckHypervConnectBar.exe
  3. Wait until [INFO] Success.
  4. Maximum the Window of Hyperv VM and unpin the connection bar. The connection bar will hide and never show again.


  • The launcher inject ApiHooker.dll into vmconnect.exe.
  • ApiHooker.dll hook winapi ShowWindow. When it find that ShowWindow is called to show this connect-bar,just return TRUE without calling real ShowWindow.
  • connect-bar's window name: BBar, window class name: BBarWindowClass
