Spicing up - My Dev Mac Machine

Based over the orginal idea from here. This is a comprehensive document that I could use to give myself a mental note about setting up my garage (my mac) machine up for its endeavours.

Currently while preparing the document the High Sierra was the OS that I was working on.

  1. First and formost on a vanilla mac, I have to have Chrome.
  2. iTerm installation comes next.
  3. Followed by Homebrew
  4. Homebrew Cask is too my favorite tool to pull down the process of installation and drag and drop game
  5. Install .dotfiles. Mental note remember to configure the iterm preferences and post that properly setting zsh as a login shell using steps shown here
  6. Install CleanMyMac using brew cask install cleanmymac

After the above steps now I'm ready to go ahead and put the nuts and bolts together of my mac machine

  1. Install jenv using brew install jenv

    jenv is used for handling multiple java jdks and easy management across them. Post installation don't forget to add the path related changes to profile.

    At the time of writing this document brew cask install java bought jdk9 and I want to have jdk1.8 too hence follow below steps for making that happen

    brew tap caskroom/versions
    brew cask install java8

    Post the command I want to add all the jdks to jenv using:

    jenv add /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/<jdk version>/Content/Home

    Doing the above step for all the jdks available, I have to set a global jdk for usage use jenv global 1.8

    Post the above steps I want to enable plugins for jenv

    jenv enable-plugin export
    jenv enable-plugin maven
    jenv enable-plugin gradle
    jenv enable-plugin scala
    jenv enable-plugin springboot
  2. Install IntelliJ-Idea using brew cask install intellij-idea

  3. Install Visual Studio Code using brew cask install visual-studio-code

  4. Install Docker-CE using brew cask install docker

  5. Install VirtualBox using brew cask install virtualbox

  6. Install Node by following steps here.

    I like to install node using nvm for similar reason why I installed jenv above for java. Nvm help managing multiple versions of node with ease.

  7. Install AWS-Cli using brew install aws-cli

  8. Install Ansible using brew install ansible

  9. Install Terraform using brew install terraform