
Addon to provide a set of common content store implementations and easy-to-use configuration (no Spring config)

Primary LanguageJavaEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0

Simple Content Stores

This addon provides a set of simple / common content store imnplementations to enhance any installation of Alfresco Community or Enterprise. It also provides a configuration mechanism that supports configuring custom content stores without any need for Spring bean definition / XML manipulation or overriding.

Content Store types

The addon currently provides the following content store types:

  • "Selector Property" content store which routes content to different backing content stores based on the value of a specific single-valued text property (similar to Enterprise store selector aspect store but configurable for any property)
  • deduplicating content store which uses hash / message digest mechanism to construct content URLs and ensure that stored content is unique (no two files in storage a binary identical)
  • "better" file content store allowing use of custom store protocols to better differentiate content via URLs and support better orphan handling in routing stores
  • compressing content store supporting transparent (de)compressing

The following store types are planned at this time:

  • content stores to store / retrieve content from remote locations (not file-based, e.g. S3 or arbitrary HTTP)
  • container stores which (asynchronously) combines content files into an aggregate (to reduce file handles / optimize compression)

Content Store configuration without messing with Spring XML / beans

Setting up a custom content store configuration in standard Alfresco requires writing Spring bean definitions in XML, understanding where to place configuration files and handling references to other content stores defined in either Alfresco or 3rd-party addon module Spring files. This can be very daunting for users / administrators new to Alfresco, and is unneccessarily complex / error-prone given how simple some other configurations in Alfresco can be.

This addon provides a 100% alfresco-global.properties based configuration mechanism for content stores that does not require writing any Spring bean definitions in XML, but can seamlessly integrate with any Spring-defined content stores.

# by default the addon is inactive - you can activate it by setting this property to true

# you can change the "root" content store Alfresco uses by referencing either a content store bean ID or a custom content store here

# you define the list of custom content stores configured with this addon in this property (as comma-separated values)

# you must define the base type of a custom content store

# you can configure configuration properties (based on type of store) in various ways
# by setting simple values for properties
# by setting references to other beans for properties
# by setting map structures of simple keys to values / bean references
# by setting lists of values / bean references (as comma-separated values)

Note: The above is meant as an example to illustrate how configuration works - it is not meant as a complete, working example config.

The following types can currently be used to define custom content stores:

  • selectorPropertyStore (the "Selector Property" store)
  • standardFileStore (file content store very similar to the Alfresco standard with some improvements, potentially storing content in a custom directory and using a custom store protocol)
  • aggregatingStore (Alfresco standard store supporting aggregation of content from multiple stores while writing only to one)
  • deduplicatingFacadeStore (a deduplicating store that acts as a facade to an actual, physical store)
  • standardCachingStore (Alfresco standard caching content store, retrieving and temporarily storing content from a remote, potentially slow content store)
  • compressingFacadeStore (a store that transparently compressed and decompressed content)

The different types of stores define their individual set of required / optional configuration properties.

Stores of type "selectorPropertyStore" support the following properties:

name type description default optional
selectorClassName value prefixed or full QName of type / aspect associated with the selector property (relevant for handling changes via policies) no
selectorPropertyName value prefixed or full QName of the selector property no
selectorValuesConstraintShortName value short name of a list-of-values constraint that should dynamically be registered using configured selector values as the "allowedValues" list (the content model for the selector property can reference this via a REGISTERED constraint) yes
storeBySelectorPropertyValue map(ref) backing content stores keyed by the property values that select them no
fallbackStore ref default backing store to use when either no value exists for the property selector or the value is not mapped by storeBySelectorPropertyValue no
routeContentPropertyNames list(value) list of content property QNames (prefixed or full) for which the store should route content; if set only content for the specified properties will be routed based on the selector property, all other content will be directed to the fallbackStore yes
moveStoresOnChange value true/false to mark if content should be moved between backing stores when the selector property value changes false yes
moveStoresOnChangeOptionPropertyName value prefixed or full QName of a single-valued d:boolean property on nodes that can override moveStoresOnChange yes

Stores of type "standardFileStore" support the following properties:

name type description default optional
protocol value the protocol to be used on content URLs store yes
rootDirectory value the path to the directory in which to store content no
readOnly value true/false to mark the store as ready-only false yes
allowRandomAccess value true/false to mark the store as capable of providing random access to content files false yes
deleteEmptyDirs value true/false to allow store to delete empty directories false yes
fixedLimit value the fixed file size limit for content items stored in this store yes
contentLimitProvider ref the limit provider for content items stored in this store yes

Stores of type "aggregatingStore" support the following properties:

name type description default optional
primaryStore ref the (physical) store that content is both written to and read from no
secondaryStores list(ref) the (physical) stores that content is read from no

Stores of type "deduplicatingFacadeStore" support the following properties:

name type description default optional
backingStore ref the (physical) store that stores the deduplicated content no
handleContentPropertyNames list(value) list of content property QNames (prefixed or full) for which the store should deduplicate content; if set only content for the specified properties will be deduplicated, all other content will be passed through to to the backingStore yes
digestAlgorithm value name of hash / message digest algorithm to be used for calculating content hash SHA-512 yes
digestAlgorithmProvider value name of provider for a specific message digest algorithm (if not built-in algorithm) yes
pathSegments value how many path segments (in the content URL) should be used to structure content 3 yes
bytesPerPathSegment value how many bytes of the hash / message digest of a content should be used per path segment 2 yes

Stores of type "standardCachingStore" support the following properties:

name type description default optional
cacheName value name of the in-memory (Hazelcast) cache to hold information about local cache structures no
cacheRoot value the path to the directory storing locally cached content files no
backingStore ref the (remote) store which actually contains the content no
cacheOnInbound value true/false to mark if new content shoulud be written to both the backing store and the local cache false yes
maxCacheTries value the limit for attempts to locally cache a content file during read 2 yes
quotaStrategy ref the cache quota strategy implementation - if this is set, any other quota-related properties wil be ignored yes
useStandardQuotaStrategy value true/false to mark if the standard quota strategy implementation should be used false yes
standardQuotaPanicThresholdPercent value percent of allowed max cache usage to consider the "panic" threshold and trigger immediate, asynchronous cache cleaning before writing new cache content 90 yes
standardQuotaCleanThresholdPercent value percent of allowed max cache usage to consider for triggering asynchronous cache cleaning after writing new cache content 80 yes
standardQuotaPanicThresholdPercent value percent of allowed max cache usage that is considered the target result of a cache cleaning process 70 yes
standardQuotaTargetUsagePercent value percent of allowed max cache usage to consider the "panic" threshold and trigger immediate, asynchronous cache cleaning before writing new cache content 90 yes
standardQuotaMaxUsageBytes value the allowed max cache usage in bytes - if this is exceeded, an aggressive cache cleaning is triggered 0 yes
standardQuotaMaxFileSizeMebiBytes value the max allowed size of an individual size in the cache in mebibytes - if this is exceeded, a content file will not be cached 0 yes
standardQuotaNormalCleanThresholdSeconds value the amount of time that should pass between two normal cache cleaning processes in seconds - aggresive cache cleaning processes will ignore this 0 yes
cleanerMinFileAgeMillis value the minimal file age in milliseconds before a cached content is considered for cleanup 0 yes
cleanerMaxDeleteWatchCount value the max amount of times a cached file will be considered/marked for deletion before it is actually deleted 1 yes
cleanerCronExpression value the CRON expression for the cleaner job for this store - if this is set it will be used to schedule the job and repeat settings will be ignored yes
cleanerStartDelay value the amount of milliseconds to delay the start of the trigger relative to its initialization 0 yes
cleanerRepeatInterval value the interval between cleaner job runs in milliseconds 30000 yes
cleanerRepeatCount value the amount of times the cleaner job should run repeatedly -1 ("indefinitely") yes

Stores of type "compressingFacadeStore" support the following properties:

name type description default optional
backingStore ref the (physical) store that stores the deduplicated content no
compressionType value name of the compression method to use (any of bzip2, gz, pack200, xz, deflate) gz yes
mimetypesToCompress list(value) the list of mimetypes that should be compressed, supporting wildcard mimetypes in the form of "text/*" - if empty, all content will be compressed yes