yaml cheatsheet

yaml basics

  • a small quirk to yaml, a yaml file start with --- , end with ..., eg:
# an example yaml file
    - apple
    - orange
    - peral
    - mango
  • yaml comments use #

  • yaml list, all list member with same indentation level starting with (a dash and a space) '- ', eg:

    - apple
    - orange
    - strawberry
    - grape
  • yaml dictionary, represent simple key: value, (a colon must follow by a space) ': ', eg:
# an employee record
    name: jack huge
    job: se
    skill: running
  • more compleate example, mix list and dictionary.
# epmloyee record
- jack:
    name: jack huge
    job: dev
        - swim
        - cook
        - ski
- make:
    name: mike D
    job: dj
        - sing
        - speak
        - laugh
  • abbreviate format for map and list, eg
martin: {name: uncle martin, job: driver, skill: excellent}
fruit: ['apple', 'orange', 'grape']
  • bool value in yaml
create_key: yes
needs_agent: no
knows_oop: True
likes_emacs: TRUE
uses_cvs: false
  • span multi lines use | or > , use | include new lines, use > ignore new lines.
include_newlines: |
            exactly as you see
            will appear these three
            lines of poetry

ignore_newlines: >
            this is really a
            single line of text
            despite appearances
  • for literal "yes", "no", "true", "false", use quote
value: "true"
flag: "false"
  • for string "1.0", use quote
version: "1.0"