
the printf() function from libc. A library that contains ft_printf(), a function that will mimic the original printf().

Primary LanguageC

The goal of this project is pretty straightforward. I will recode printf(). I will mainly learn about using a variable number of arguments. How cool is that?? It is actually pretty cool :)

Program name :


External functs :

              malloc, free, write,
              va_start, va_arg, va_copy, va_end.

The prototype of ft_printf() is:

              int ft_printf(const char *, ...);

THe function handle the following conversions: cspdiuxX%

• %c Prints a single character. • %s Prints a string (as defined by the common C convention). • %p The void * pointer argument has to be printed in hexadecimal format. • %d Prints a decimal (base 10) number. • %i Prints an integer in base 10. • %u Prints an unsigned decimal (base 10) number. • %x Prints a number in hexadecimal (base 16) lowercase format. • %X Prints a number in hexadecimal (base 16) uppercase format. • %% Prints a percent sign.

Bonus list: • Manage any combination of the following flags: ’-0.’ and the field minimum width under all conversions. • Manage all the following flags: ’# +’ (Yes, one of them is a space).