
tapedrive FAQ, circa 1995

Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.storage,comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.misc

Archive-name: tapedrive-faq
Last-modified: 1/14/1995

This a document which answers several questions about tape drives.
Information about SCSI drives is not included here since you can find all you
want to know at the comp.periphs.scsi FAQ.

My thanks to all who mailed me with suggestions and information.

Please feel free to correct/add anything, preferably by email.


[1] QIC40/80

[1-1] What is QIC80, QIC40?
[1-2] Are those 250MB tape really 250MB?
[1-3] I have two floppies. Can I add a tape drive?
[1-4] How fast is the tape? Will a dedicated controller speed it?
[1-5] Do I need a parallel interface tape?
[1-6] Review of several backup software.
[1-7] Are Colorado/Conner/Archive/... compatible with each other?
[1-8] How does the drive/software know how long is the tape?

[2] QIC11,24,120,150,320,525,1000,2GB,10GB

[2-1] What are all those QIC?
[2-2] R/W Compatibility chart for QIC

[9] Names and Addresses

[9-1] QIC
[9-2] Archive=Maynard
[9-3] Colorado Memory Systems
[9-4] Iomega
[9-5] Irwin
[9-6] Mountain
[9-7] Wangtek

Subject: [1-1] What is QIC80, QIC40?

QIC stands for Quarter-Inch Cartridge. QIC80 is the standard for 80MB tapes,
QIC40 for 40MB tapes. Both standard allows for extended length cassettes of
300ft which gives 120MB and 60MB respectively.

Subject: [1-2] Are those 250MB tape really 250MB?

No. It is 120MB. All makers of tape drives now state the *compressed*
capacity of the drives assuming 2:1 compression (1.4:1 more typical):

         stated     real
Name     capacity   capacity   standard   tape length         # tracks

DC2000    80MB       40MB      QIC40      200ft (normal)      15
DC2060   120MB       60MB      QIC40      300ft (extended)    15
DC2080   160MB       80MB      QIC80      200ft               28
DC2120   250MB      120MB      QIC80      300ft               28
DC????   340MB      170MB      QIC80      425ft (extra ext.)  28

For all the recording density is 12500 ftpi; max tape speed is 90 ips.

Subject: [1-3] I have two floppies. Can I add a tape drive?

It depends. On all modern tape drives: yes. Some old tape drives cannot do
this (my old Jumbo). If you have one of this you will have to buy either a
4-floppy controller or a dedicated tape controller.

Subject: [1-4] How fast is the tape? Will a dedicated controller speed it?

The tape connected through a floppy interface is limited to the floppy speed.
On ATs 500Kbit/S. On old XT 250Kbit/S. With card support for 2.88MB floopy,
1Mbit/S. Many of the newer cards support this transfer rate.

If the card operate at 500Kbit/S, a dedicated controller card will speed up
the tape by two. In many cases, those cards do hardware compression, helping
even more.

Subject: [1-5] Do I need a parallel interface tape?

This tape is used usually for backing up several computers. It needs extrenal
power supply. It is more expensive than an internal drive.

Subject: [1-6] Review of several backup software.


Small. Not many features but does the work. Seems to work only with
colorados drives. Latest version is 4.03. Can be found by archie jumbo403.zip.
From "Stan Faullin":

Useful DOS program.  Has very basic Backup (total, modified, selected), 
Restore, Compare, Erase and Format functions.  Some versions come with a 
Windows scheduler, but it will NOT run in the background in a DOS window.  The 
compression scheme used in some previous versions is NOT compatible with their 
latest release, so you may not be able to read backups made with version 3.x 
with version 4.x.  Separate versions of this software are available for their 
internal model or the parallel port model.


The Lite version supports both parallel port versions and internal versions.  
The only Windows backup program for a parallel port device, but only supports 
the Colorado Trakker unit.  Can run in the background. Can be found by archie,

From "gregb@oclflt.den.mmc.com (gregb)":

CMS Trakker 250 is supplied with a "generic" software package:
it performs backup, restore, selective backup & restore, compression,
compare. It works with DOS and Windows 3.1. 
For an additional $49.95 ($39?) you can purchase their fancier version.

 Central-Point backup

Big. Many many features. Confusing directory selections. Works with
most drives.

 Conner Basic 1.0

From "Moshe Braner   braner@emba.uvm.edu":

useless -- only backs up entire drive.

 Conner Basic 1.1

From: pjk@netcom.com (Phil Koenig)

If you got the low-power backup software bundled in -- Conner Backup
Basics -- and it is V1.0, you are entitled to a free upgrade from Conner.
The new version has an only slightly better addendum to the manual, but
the software now is about as flexible as most users would want -- partial
backup and restore by directory or file, etc.  It has worked well for us,
and I recommend that you ask for your copy.

From: dmiller@im.lcs.mit.edu (Dick and Jill Miller)

I emphasize that v1.1 of Conner Backup Basics fixes many of the prior
problems, although its prompts, on-line help and printed documentation 
still deserve improvement.

 Conner Exec

From "Moshe Braner   braner@emba.uvm.edu":

Very large (2.5 megs for DOS version, windows version even larger).
Did not work with my parallel-port Conner 250meg QIC-80 drive.

 QICstream==Conner "Simply Safe Software Backup Basics version 3.0P"

Small and works fine. Works with parallel port Conner drive.

 Symantec Norton Backup

Is included with Norton Desktop for Windows, which is a much better deal than 
purchasing Norton Backup for Windows alone.

 Symantec Norton Backup for Windows


Can be used with a proper driver??

Subject: [1-7] Are Colorado/Conner/Archive/... compatible with each other?

If you use the same software: Yes. If you want to use different software,
turn compression off. Compression is done in software on those drives and
not compatible.

Subject: [1-8] How does the drive/software know how long is the tape?

The magnetic tape has holes in it. Inside the cassette enclousre there is
a small mirror. The drive sends an IR beam through it. Near the end of tape
the drive recieves it. If the IR reciever is dusted, the drive may 'reel off'
the cassette.

Subject: [2-1] What are all those QIC?

(Thanks to Karl-Peter Huestegge and Jan Christiaan van Winkel)

QIC-11 is not an Industry Standard and there exist some incompatible

 Standard      Capacity      Tracks   Speed  Rec-density Flux-Trans Cartridges
 QIC-11     15/30MB (300ft)     4/9   90ips
            20/40MB (450ft)     4/9   90ips               6400ftpi  DC300XL
                                                         10000ftpi  DC300XLP
            27/60MB (600ft)     4/9   90ips              10000ftpi  DC600A

 QIC-24     45MB (450ft/137m)    9    90ips    8000bpi   10000ftpi
            55MB (555ft/169m)    9    90ips    8000bpi   10000ftpi
            60MB (600ft/183m)    9    90ips    8000bpi   10000ftpi  DC600A

 QIC-120   125MB (600ft/183m)    15   72ips   10000bpi   12500ftpi  DC600A

 QIC-150   155MB (600ft/183m)    18   72ips   10000bpi   12500ftpi  DC600XTD
 QIC-150   250MB (1000ft/305m)   18   72ips   10000bpi   12500ftpi

 QIC-320   320MB (600ft/183m)    26   72ips   16000bpi   20000ftpi  DC6320

 QIC-525   525MB (1000ft/305m)   26   72ips   16000bpi   20000ftpi  DC6525

* QIC-1000  1000MB (760ft)


* QIC-10GB

Subject: [2-2] R/W Compatibility chart for QIC

 (The left column should be read: "Tape drives designed for the QIC-???
  standard *should* be able to read/write the following Tape formats:".)

 TAPE-DRIVES     |                     Tape - Formats                      |
 designed for:   | QIC-11 | QIC-24 | QIC-120 | QIC-150 | QIC-320 | QIC-525 |
 QIC-11          |  R  W  |        |         |         |         |         |
 QIC-24          |  R  W  | R   W  |  R      |         |         |         |
 QIC-120         |  R  -  | R   -  |  R   W  |  R      |         |         |
 QIC-150         |  R  -  | R   -  |  R   W  |  R   W  |         |         |
 QIC-320         |  R  -  | R   -  |  R   W  |  R   W  |  R   W  |  ?   ?  |
 QIC-525         |  R     | R      |  R   W  |  R   W  |  R   W  |  R   W  |

[9-1] QIC

 Quarter-Inch Cartridge Drive Standards, Inc.
 311 East Carrillo Street
 Santa Barbara, California 93101
 Telephone (805) 963-3853
 Fax       (805) 962-1541

[9-2] Archive=Maynard

 Costumer support, from 8:30 am to 8:00 pm EST
 BBS    407-263-3502 (300/1200/2400)
        407-263-3662 (9600/14400)

[9-3] Colorado Memory Systems

 Voicemail support               303 635-1500
 BBS                             303 635-0650
 FAXback service                 800 368-9673
 Tech Support                    303 635-1501
 Phone (United Kingdom)          44-344-773 100
 FAX (United Kingdom)            44-344-763 637
 BBS (United Kingdom)            44-344-763 216

These numbers may be uncorrect:

 Product Information/Purchases . 800-845-7905
 DOS Computers: Hardware and
 Software questions ............ 800-845-7906
 UNIX/XENIX Computers:
 Hardware/Software questions ... 800-845-7908
 Tech Support .................. 800-432-5858

[9-4] Iomega
 Tech Support                   800-456-5522

[9-5] Irwin
 Tech Support                   800-412-1879

[9-6] Mountain

 General                        800-458-0300
 Tech Support                   408-438-7897
 BBS                            408-438-2665

[9-7] Wangtek

 Voice                          805-583-5255
 Fax                            805-582-8249

To correct/add/argue, Please email: