Task Scheduler Project


The Task Scheduler Project is a powerful task scheduling system designed to perform tasks at specific timestamps or recurring intervals. It provides a flexible and user-friendly interface for scheduling and managing tasks, with support for various deployment options.


  • Flask API for CRUD Operations: Manage tasks through a RESTful API, allowing Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations on the task database.

  • Command Line Interface (CLI): Interact with the scheduler through a command-line interface, enabling users to create, update, read, and delete tasks.

  • Parallel Task Execution: Supports parallel execution of tasks, allowing for efficient and concurrent processing.

  • Recurring Task Support: - Users can schedule recurring tasks using cron format via the API, CLI, or Kubernetes Jobs.

  • Kubernetes Deployment: - Easily deploy the scheduler and MySQL database using Helm Charts, simplifying the deployment process.


image image


Deploying with Helm Chart

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/yrs147/task-schedulers.git

cd repository
  1. Deploy the scheduler and MySQL with Helm:
helm install myrelease ./project-setup-chart

Database Schema

Field Type Constraints
id integer primary key
name varchar
execution_time datetime
status varchar
recurring varchar
cron_schedule varchar


Timezone inside the container would be in UTC so schedule your tasks accordingly


Method Route Description
GET /api/tasks Get a list of tasks
GET /api/tasks/{taskId} Get details of a specific task
POST /api/tasks Create a new task
PUT /api/tasks/{taskId} Update details of a specific task
DELETE /api/tasks/{taskId} Delete a specific task
  1. Port forward the pod to make the api acessible on localhost:5000
kubectl port-forward myrelease-taskchart-scheduler 5000:5000
  1. Now from another terminal window make a request on the respective path

Create a new task (POST /api/tasks)

Path - http://localhost:5000/tasks

Request Body(For Recurring Tasks):

    "id": "1001"
    "name": "Task 1001",   
    "cron_schedule": "*/2 * * * *",   
  • id (integer): The id of the task.
  • name (string): The name of the task.
  • cron_schedule (string): The cron schedule for task execution.

Request Body(For Non-Recurring Tasks):

    "id": "1001"
    "name": "Task 1001",   
    "execution_time": "2024-03-11 00:06:00",   
  • id (integer): The id of the task.
  • name (string): The name of the task.
  • execution_time (string): The execution time for non-recurring tasks.

Update details of a task (PUT /api/tasks/{taskId})

Path - http://localhost:5000/tasks/{task_id}

Request Body(Non Recurring Tasks):

Can update both or either one

    "name": "Task 1001",   
    "execution_time": "2024-03-11 00:06:00",   

Request Body(Recurring Tasks):

Can update both or either one

    "name": "Task 1001",   
    "cron_schedule": "* * * * *",   

GetById and Delete Does not require a request body , just append the task_id at the end of their respective path

Path - http://localhost:5000/tasks/{task_id}


- Create a new task(Recurring):

kubectl exec myrelease-taskchart-scheduler -c scheduler -- python ./main.py create --name TaskName --cron_schedule '*/2 * * * *'  

- Create a new task(Non Recurring):

kubectl exec myrelease-taskchart-scheduler -c scheduler -- python ./main.py create --name TaskName  --execution_time '2024-03-11 00:06:00' 

- Get Tasks:

kubectl exec myrelease-taskchart-scheduler -c scheduler -- python ./main.py view

- Get a Specific Tasks by Id:

kubectl exec myrelease-taskchart-scheduler -c scheduler -- python ./main.py get --id="ID"

- Update a task(Recurring):

id is req to get the task and then you can update either of name or cron_schedule or both

kubectl exec myrelease-taskchart-scheduler -c scheduler -- python ./main.py update  --id=1087 --cron_schedule '*/2 * * * *'  

- Update a task(Non Recurring):

id is req to get the task and then you can update either of name or execution_time or both

kubectl exec myrelease-taskchart-scheduler -c scheduler -- python ./main.py update --id=8765 --name TaskName  --execution_time '2024-03-11 00:06:00' 

- Delete a Task:

kubectl exec myrelease-taskchart-scheduler -c scheduler -- python ./main.py delete --id=5423

Kubernetes Jobs

You can also use Kubernetes jobs to create tasks using helm charts or using the manifests in the*crud_jobs folder

Sample Read Job

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: read-task-job
      - name: read-task
        image: yrs9480/taskapp:latest
        command: ["python", "./main.py", "view"]
      restartPolicy: Never  
  backoffLimit: 4

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: read-specific-task-job
      - name: read-specific-task
        image: yrs9480/taskapp:latest
        command: ["python", "./main.py", "get", "--id=7465"]
      restartPolicy: Never  
  backoffLimit: 4

Sample Create Job

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: create-task-job
      - name: create-task
        image: yrs9480/taskapp:latest
        command: ["python", "./main.py", "create", "--name=NewTask", "--execution_time=2024-03-14 18:55:30"]
      restartPolicy: Never
  backoffLimit: 4

Sample Update Job

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: update-task-job
      - name: update-task
        image: yrs9480/taskapp:latest
        command: ["python", "./main.py", "update", "--id=1", "--name=UpdatedTask"]
      restartPolicy: Never  
  backoffLimit: 4

Sample Delete Job

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: delete-task-job
      - name: delete-task
        image:  yrs9480/taskapp:latest
        command: ["python", "./main.py", "delete", "--id=7647"]
      restartPolicy: Never  
  backoffLimit: 4

- Create Non Recurring Task:

helm install create-non-recurring-task-release ./create-non-recurring  --set nonRecurringTaskJob.id="ID" --set nonRecurringTaskJob.name="TASK_NAME" --set nonRecurringTaskJob.executionTime="YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"

- Create Non Recurring Task:

helm install create-recurring-task-release ./create-recurring/ --set createTaskJob.id="ID" --set createTaskJob.name="TASK_NAME" --set createTaskJob.cronSchedule="* * * * *"

Cron Schedule Examples

  • Daily: 0 0 * * *
  • Weekly: 0 0 * * 0
  • Monthly: 0 0 1 * *
  • Yearly: 0 0 1 1 *