Yet another mecab wrapper for nodejs and the main purpose is easy to use.
Mecab is a morphological analyzer for Japanease language.
And you can use this for Korean language with mecab-ko.
$ npm install mecab-ya
You need mecab or mecab-ko for Korean language.
If you don't have mecab yet, you can install with the prepared script.
$ node_modules/mecab-ya/bin/install-mecab
For the Korean language.
$ node_modules/mecab-ya/bin/install-mecab ko
mecab-ya use the mecab library in the node_modules/mecab-ya/mecab
But, you can set a mecab library path like below.
MECAB_LIB_PATH=/usr/local/lib node index.js
MECAB_LIB_PATH=/usr/local/lib/mecab-ko node index.js
So, you can select a mecab library for specific language when you use this and you can distribute this as a builtin library for AWS Lambda like that.
var mecab = require('mecab-ya');
var text = '아버지가방에들어가신다';
mecab.pos(text, function (err, result) {
[ [ '아버지', 'NNG' ],
[ '가', 'JKS' ],
[ '방', 'NNG' ],
[ '에', 'JKB' ],
[ '들어가', 'VV' ],
[ '신다', 'EP+EC' ] ]
mecab.morphs(text, function (err, result) {
[ '아버지', '가', '방', '에', '들어가', '신다' ]
mecab.nouns(text, function (err, result) {
[ '아버지', '방' ]
You can find out a simple example on node-mecab-ya-example
- Make for Chinese.
- Use CJK at the same time.