
A set of scripts to process intermediate or final result files of kaldi force alignment.

Primary LanguagePython


A set of python scripts to process intermediate or final result files of kaldi forced alignment.

Project Structure

  • Scripts:
    • Some scripts named with a "create" prefix for kaldi data prepare, such as create_wav_scp.py, create_text.py.
    • Some scripts for post processing merged alignment files, such as trans_phone_ID_2_name.py.
    • Some python scripts named with a "slice" prefix for slice final alignment file into separated sentence files.
  • Directories:
    • resources: a directory to store some input files for ForcedAlignment program.
    • results: a directory to store some output files from ForcedAlignment program.
    • labs: a directory to store the seperated sentence alignment files sliced from merged alignment file.

Steps for Forced Alignment

Kaldi Download & install

Firstly, you need to download and install Kaldi successfully.Please checkout from kaldi repository on github, and fellow the guide of README.md in the repository.

reference: kaldi-asr

Kaldi Forced Alignment

Secondly, you need to prepare an environment for kaldi forced alignment, and start alignment process.

reference( just use first 5 steps shown at this page): kaldi-forcedalignment

Prepare directories

Create some directories to house your training data and models.

reference: Prepare directories

Create files for data/train

The files in data/train contain information regarding the specifics of the audio files, transcripts, and speakers. Specifically, it will contain the following files:

  • text: The text file is essentially the utterance-by-utterance transcript of the corpus. You could create this file by run create_text.py.
  • segments: The segments file contains the start and end time for each utterance in an audio file. You could create this file by run create_segments.py.
  • wav.scp: The wav.scp file contains the location for each of the audio files.You could create this file by run create_wav_scp.py.
  • utt2spk: The utt2spk file contains the mapping of each utterance to its corresponding speaker. You could create this file by run create_utt2spk.py.
  • spk2utt: The spk2utt is a file that contains the speaker to utterance mapping.

reference: Create files for data/train

Create files for data/local/lang

data/local/lang is the directory that contains language data specific to the your own corpus. For example, the lexicon only contains words and their pronunciations that are present in the corpus. This directory will contain the following:

  • lexicon.txt: In resource/ directory.
  • nonsilence_phones.txt: As the name indicates, this file contains a list of all the phones that are not silence.
  • optional_silence.txt: This file will simply contain a 'SIL' model.
  • silence_phones.txt: This file will contain a 'SIL' (silence) and 'oov' (out of vocabulary) model.
  • extra_questions.txt(optional): A Kaldi script will generate a basic extra_questions.txt file for you, but in data/lang/phones. This file "asks questions" about a phone's contextual information by dividing the phones into two different sets.

reference: Create files for data/local/lang

Create files for data/lang

Now that we have all the files in data/local/lang, we need to generate all of the files in data/lang.

reference: Create files for data/lang

Set the parallelization wrapper

Use vim to edit cmd.sh file

reference: Set the parallelization wrapper

Create mfcc.conf file in conf folder

mfcc.conf contains the parameters for MFCC feature extraction. Use vim to edit it.

reference: Create mfcc.conf file in conf folder

Extract MFCC features

Now we need to extract the MFCC acoustic features and compute the cepstral mean and variance normalization (CMVN) stats. This step may take you about 8 minutes(it depends on the sacle of your wave data).

Notes: The --nj option is for the number of jobs to be sent out, it's suggested been set equal to the number of speakers.

reference: Extract MFCC features

Monophone training and alignment

Train & align monophone.

reference: Monophone training and alignment

Triphone training and alignment


reference: Triphone training and alignment

Obtain CTM output from alignment files

CTM stands for time-marked conversation file and contains a time-aligned phoneme transcription of the utterances. You could obtain this file as fellows.

reference the 4th step shown at this page: kaldi-forcedalignment

Concatenate CTM files

reference the 5th step shown at this page: kaldi-forcedalignment

Post Processing

Before visualize the alignment result, there are still some post processes to do.

Transform phone ID to phone name

Use trans_phone_ID_2_name.py to replace phone ID with phone name in the merged_alignment.txt. Before this process, you need to move merged_alignment.txt & phones.txt which produced by previous step to proper path corresponding to trans_phone_ID_2_name.py.The output file will be named with final_align.txt.

Slice alignment into seperated sentence file

Use slice_merged_ali_2_labs.py to slice final_align.txt produced by previous step into sentence file.

Show alignment results

You can check the alignment results using wavesurfer.

Transform alignment format(Optional)

In case of alignment format difference between different TTS Systems, a script should be applied to transform the format.

Use trans_ali_format.py to do this step. It depends on alignment format of your system, so this step is optinal.