install gnuplot

$ sudo apt install gnuplot


$ gnuplot
gnuplot> plot './data/'
  • Assumes col12 = x, col2 = y
  • Shows '+' at data points
  • Does not connect ponts with a line
  • Opens plot in a 'qt window'


gnuplot> plot './data/'
gnuplot> plot './data/' with lines
gnuplot> plot './data/' with linespoints
gnuplot> plot './data/' with points
gnuplot> plot[1:5] './data/' with points
gnuplot> plot[3:7] './data/' with points
gnuplot> plot './data/' with lines title 'my curve'
gnuplot> plot './data/' using 1:2 with linespoints
gnuplot> plot './data/' using 2:1 with linespoints
gnuplot> plot './data/' using 1:2 with linespoints title 'Squared'
gnuplot> plot './data/' u 1:2 w lp title 'Squared'


gnuplot> set terminal png
gnuplot> set output './outputs/01.png'
gnuplot> plot './data/' u 1:2 w lp title 'Squared'