
Golang Password Server

Primary LanguageGo


A Golang password encryption HTTP server


jchash is a multi-threaded HTTP web server capable of encrypting passwords using SHA-512. It can

  • Encrypt a password given a "password=value" string with a POST HTTP request and store it
  • Retrieve a hashed password given an ID and a GET HTTP request
  • Display total hash requests served and average hash request response time in ms given a GET /stats command
  • Shutdown remotely given a GET /shutdown command


Install Go https://golang.org

Clone git

mkdir /drives/c/Users/Steve/go/src/github.com/ysaliens/jchash
cd /drives/c/Users/Steve/go/src/github.com/ysaliens/jchash
git clone https://github.com/ysaliens/jchash.git .

Build project

cd /drives/c/Users/Steve/go/src/github.com/ysaliens/jchash
go build

Running the server

The server can be started by running the executable ./jchash.exe. Port can be specified by --port=$PORT. If no port is specified, the server will default to 8080.

➤ ./jchash.exe --port=8000
2018/03/11 16:04:30 Listening on http://localhost:8000

Hashing a password

To hash a password, send a POST request such as curl --data "password=$PASSWORD" http://localhost:8080/hash where $PASSWORD is the password value. The /hash at the end instructs the server to hash the password using SHA-512 and store it. If the request is processed, the server will send status code 200 (OK) and return a numeric ID that can be used to retrieve the hash later. A hash command should return immediately. However, the password will not be written to the database for 5 seconds.

➤ curl --data "password=test2" http://localhost:8000/hash

GET a hashed password

To retrieve a hash, send a GET such as curl http://localhost:8000/hash/$ID where $ID is the numeric ID returned after a hash operation. A successful GET will return a status code 200 (OK) and a string of the hashed password. If a GET command is issued for an ID that is still being written to the database, the server will re-try reading the hash every second for up to 10 seconds (double the time of the slowest hash write operation).

➤ curl http://localhost:8000/hash/1

Shut down server

There are two ways to shut the server down - local or remote. Locally, a Control+C or SIGTERM signal will tell the server to finish write operations and stop. To shut the server down remotely, issue a /shutdown such as

➤ curl http://localhost:8000/shutdown
Server shutdown initiated

Server log:
2018/03/11 18:19:35 Received shutdown request, shutting down.
2018/03/11 18:19:41 Server gracefully shut down.

In both cases, the server will wait 6 seconds to allow for any database requests to finish writing.

Performance Stats

To check how many hash requests (hash a password or retrieve a stored hash) the server has processed, issue a /stats command

➤ curl http://localhost:8000/stats

The server will return a JSON object with the total number of hash requests processed thus far (including errors) and the average time to respond to a hash request in milliseconds. The server does not count /stats and /shutdown commands in these statistics. It also does not count the 5 seconds it takes for a hash POST to be written to the database as that is done in the background and does not affect response time from a client perspective. A quick note - the 0 ms average request time most often seen is correct - most hash commands take a fraction of a millisecond. Putting sleep, log, or print statements in the hash handlers will increase the average request time.


The server uses the Golang log package to print information and errors as it processes requests. Additional debug log prints are sprinkled and commented out throughout the source code. The server does not currently save logs to a file.


There are two unit tests written utilizing the Go testing package

  • encode/encode_test.go - Tests SHA-512 encoding
  • handlers/hashHandler_test.go - Tests all major functionality of the server

To run the tests, execute

➤ go test github.com/ysaliens/jchash/encode/
ok      github.com/ysaliens/jchash/encode       0.054s

➤ go test github.com/ysaliens/jchash/handlers/
ok      github.com/ysaliens/jchash/handlers     12.071s

Future TO-DOs

  • Migrate to a real database - Currently the project uses a sync map to store data. This means data is not saved between server restarts. When implemented, it should get its own package and be separated from createServer.go
  • Add additional logging or performance stats
  • Use the sync package and wait groups for faster shutdowns
  • Add additional testing

