
OMD Profile Editor is a savegame editor for Orcs Must Die! Tower Defense game (2011)

Primary LanguagePython

OMD Profile Editor is a savegame editor for Orcs Must Die! Tower Defense game (2011).

Nobody asked for it but here it is anyway; a proof of concept for editing the game's obfuscated profiles. After some reverse engineering, it appears that the obfuscation of the file profiles.xml is done by a "simple" substitution of letters.

Currently, only the addition & removal of purchasable profile upgrades are supported.


Decrypt usage:

usage: main.py decrypt [-h] [-p PROFILE] [-r] [-s [SKULL_UPGRADES ...]]

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-p PROFILE, --profile PROFILE
                      Input profile file. (default: profiles.xml)
-l LEVEL, --level LEVEL
                      Set player level (default: None)
-n, --nightmare       Enable the nightmare mode (default: False)

Update SkullUpgrades set:
-r, --remove          Remove the upgrades (Add by default) (default: False)
-s [SKULL_UPGRADES ...], --skull-upgrades [SKULL_UPGRADES ...]
                      Enable upgrades to the profiles. Items must be space
                      separated. 1:mur de flèches étendu, 3:barricade
                      améliorée, 4:super baril de bombes, 5:soufre encorcelé,
                      6:baliste auto d'élite, 8:leurre amélioré,
                      12:champion paladin, 13:archer, 14:aplatisseur puissant,
                      15:poussoir amélioré, 16:piège de goudron,
                      19:trampoline de nain, 20:pics à pieux empoisonnés,
                      21:champignon épicé, 22:masse métronome, 24:broyeur
                      autonettoyant, 25:lames murales, 38:presse à monnaie +,
                      39:piege à vapeur, 61:?, 62:?, 63:? (default: ())

Encrypt usage:

usage: main.py encrypt [-h] [-p PROFILE]

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-p PROFILE, --profile PROFILE
                        Input profile file. (default: profiles_clear.xml)


Working Python 3.10+ installation (3.6+ if you remove some typing hints).


$ pip install argparse
# or
$ pip install -r requirements.txt


To add the upgrade "masse métronome", first decrypt the profile and add the correct id to the -s argument:

$ main.py decrypt -s 22 -p <path_to_savegame>/profiles.xml

A readable and editable profiles_clear.xml file is created.

Then, encrypt the file and enjoy!

$ main.py encrypt


GNU Affero General Public License