Collection of tools useful for AWS(ec2).
Common commands:
config: Yogafire Config Manager
use: Use profile
Instance commands:
change-instance-type: EC2 Change Instance Type
cmd: Execute remote command
copy-and-launch: EC2 Copy and launch
create-image: EC2 Create Image
expand-volume: EC2 Expand Volume
get: Rsync get file from remote. (rsync -avuc)
get-noopt: Rsync get file from remote.
info: EC2 Instance Infomation
ls: EC2 List Instance
put: Rsync put local file to remote.(rsync -avuc)
put-noopt: Rsync put local file to remote.
reboot: EC2 Reboot Instances
ssh: EC2 SSH Instance
start: EC2 Start Instances
stop: EC2 Stop Instances
terminate: EC2 Terminate Instance
Image commands:
ls-ami: Image List
Vpc commands:
vpc-graph: VPC Graph View
vpc-info: VPC List vpcs
Plugin commands:
all-region-info: All Region Info
amiwatcher: EC2 image status watcher
aws-status: Show AWS Status
ec2watcher: EC2 instance status watcher
hosts: Operation for hosts file
instance-type: Show Instance Types
region: Show AWS Regions
render: Render Tool
sshconfig: Operation for sshconfig
update-ec2-tags: Update EC2 Tags