
An example repository to demonstrate the problem with multiple projects

Training documentation

What I want

  • ./gradlew asciidoctor task should convert the AsciiDoc documents on each submodule (currently it only converts introduction module)

  • A shared configuration, all the modules should use the same processor (not necessarily the same instance)

  • Parallel execution between modules

    • It should be safe to run the task in parallel on all modules

Please note that the liveReload task is working as expected. The only thing is that I don’t want a liveReload task on the root project.

So, ideally the following command should throw Task 'liveReload' not found in root project 'training'..

$ ./gradlew :liveReload

Currently, the task is trying to run but fails (because there’s no build directory).

> Task :liveReload FAILED
Enabling LiveReload at port 35729 for build/livereload
Caught unexpected exception: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: build/livereload

But that’s not a big deal :)

What I’ve tried

Using a task:

task generateHTML (type: AsciidoctorTask) {
  asciidoctorj {
    options template_dirs: ["${rootProject.projectDir}/resources/templates"]
  baseDir file("${projectDir}/docs")
  sourceDir file("${projectDir}/docs")
  outputDir file("${projectDir}/build/html")

but it throws:

> Could not create task of type 'AsciidoctorTask'.
  > Could not create an instance of type org.asciidoctor.gradle.jvm.AsciidoctorJExtension.
    > Extension with name 'asciidoctorj' does not exist. Currently registered extension names: [ext]

I’ve also tried some shenanigans with task and dependsOn but it’s not working.

Current workaround

As a workaround, I’ve basically copied/pasted the build.gradle file in each submodule. To avoid code duplication (ie. share the configuration), I’ve declared the following in the root project:

subprojects {
  ext.asciidoctorjConfigClosure = { ext ->
    ext.requires 'rouge'
    ext.attributes 'allow-uri-read': '',
                   'source-highlighter': 'rouge'

I’m pretty sure that’s not how it should be done! On top of that, the asciidoctorGemsPrepare task will be executed on each submodule, which is not optimal.