
A mysterious message board for the company, who's the employee of this company can leave a message to boss. 720° surround random background makes you feel like you can leave a message wherever you are

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A message board for the company.


A mysterious message board for the company, who's the employee of this company can leave a message to boss. 720° surround random background makes you feel like you can leave a message wherever you are. Enable mouse wheel zoom on PC and pinch zoom or touch screen to rotate on mobile. ...there is a hot tip in the console :trollface:.


  • :octocat: Front-End : Me

  • :octocat: Back-End : Dino



MESSAGE BOARD FRONTSTAGE -> Where You Can Leave The Message


MESSAGE BOARD BACKSTAGE -> Where You Can View The Message

ManagerName : guest / Password : 123456


  1. It has auto-rotate background but you also can use mouse to controll it, it also enable mouse wheel zoom on PC and pinch zoom or touch screen to rotate on mobile


  1. Random background everytime when you reload the website


  1. If you open the DevTools then you will find out a little tip, just type and send it


3-1. Another version



  • 2018.09.11

       * Adding meta tags
       * Fixing the textarea field doesn't clear when reload the website in IE and Edge
       * Fixing it can't type in the textarea in firefox
  • 2018.09.20

       * Building website on free web hosting
       * Building DB
       * Modifying the code to connect free web hosting DB
       * Allow user to login whether type capital or lowercase letter at backstage
       * Removing hosting logo
  • 2018.09.25

       * Fixing backstage messages display duplicate
       * Sorting messages by date
       * Optimizing SQL
  • 2018.09.26

       * Improving the speed on mobile (Android)
       * Enable mouse wheel zoom on PC / Enable pinch zoom on mobile
       * Enable touch screen to rotate on mobile 
       * Changing background images
       * Adding meta tags
  • 2018.09.27

       * Slowing down the rotate speed
       * Adding QR code
  • 2018.10.02

       * Fixing backstage RWD

Cubemap Textures

From Humus.

QR Code Generator

Using IOI QR Code Generator.

Demo Editor Tools

Using ScreenToGif to record and ezGIF to edit.