Docker container that runs Kafka's MirrorMaker.
Kafka Version:
- Modify the Dockerfile, change the KAFKA_RELEASE url to somewhere you can access the kafka tgz file.
docker build -t kafka-mirrormaker .
The container expects the following environment variables to be passed in:
- Zookeeper connection string for source, including port and chroot.DOWNSTREAM_BROKERS
- Brokers to receive mirrored messagesWHITE_LIST
- (optional) White list of topics, if used, do not use black listBLACK_LIST
- (optional) Black list of topics, if used, do not use white listCONSUMER_GROUP_ID
- (optional) Defaults to KafkaMirrorMaker_YYYYMMDD_HHmmss (According to container system time)PRODUCER_COUNT
- (optional) Defaults to 1STREAM_COUNT
- (optional) Defaults to 1
docker run --name kafka-mirror-maker -e WHITE_LIST="topic" -e CONSUMER_ZK_CONNECT=localhost:2181/chroot -e DOWNSTREAM_BROKERS= kafka-mirrormaker
Kafka mirror has version issue. You cannot use newer version to mirror older version.
e.g. Use kafka_0.10.0.1 to mirror kafka_0.9.0.0 would have problem mirroring.