
AngularJs boilerplate using a simple gulp build system

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Getting started

Install node.js. Then gulp and bower.

$ npm -g install gulp bower

Install bower and npm dependencies, and run the application in development mode.

$ npm install
$ bower install
$ gulp serve

You are now ready to go, your application is available at

Every file you add, edit or delete into the /client folder will be handled by the build system.

When you are ready to build a production release there is a task for that:

$ gulp serve:dist

Available tasks:

  • gulp serve - When this task runs, the build will take care of watching files. Every time you change a file in the client/ folder, the build recompiles every file, and your browser will reload automagically showing you the changes. You just need to add new JavaScript and css files in the client/index.html file.
  • gulp serve:dist - This task will run jshint and unit tests under the client/test/unit folder (thanks to karma runner), and create a fully-optimized version of your application under the build/dist/ folder. The optimization consists of concatenate, minify and compress js and css files, optimize images, and put every template into a js file loaded by the application. A code coverage report will be available inside the client/test/unit-results. Note to change browser-sync's server port, change the 'port' and 'uiIPort' settings in build/build.config.js.
  • gulp serve:tdd - Just like gulp serve but in continuous unit testing environment.
  • gulp test:unit - For running unit tests one time then exit.
  • gulp test:e2e - Run end-to-end tests inside the client/test/e2e folder with protractor. If a test fails, you should find a screenshot of the page inside the client/test/screenshots folder. Note that you need to have the application running in order to run e2e tests. You can launch this task from another terminal instance.