Composite Hedges Nanopores

A package of coding algorithm for rapid readout of digital information storage in DNA, inspired by HEDGES and composite DNA letter.


First, clone the repository to a local directory:

$ git clone

Then install required packages using the file environment.yml:

$ conda env create -f environment.yml && conda activate CHN

This will create a Python virtual environment in the Composite-Hedges-Nanopores folder. The installation should take less than 10 minutes on a typical desktop pc, but maybe can take longer if an older pip version is used.


Composite-Hedges-Nanopores integrated the code of this work into the evaluation platform Chamaeleo. Based on this evaluation platform, Composite-Hedges-Nanopores uses ./CHN/test_file/sme_introduction.txt to conduct robustness evaluation.

To evaluate, users can simply run ./ with command:

$ python # The output will be displayed on the terminal


$ nohup python -u > robustness_test.log & # The output will be saved to robustness_test.log

The output will be displayed like the following :

Run task (1/1).
Create a transcoding pipeline.
Read binary matrix from file: /data/biolab-nvme-pool1/zhaoxy/github/Composite-Hedges-Nanopores/CHN/test_file/sme introduction.txt
The bit size of the encoded file is None bits and the length of final encoded binary segments is None
Encode bit segments to DNA sequences by coding scheme.
2A0C0G0T 0A2C0G0T 0A0C2G0T 0A0C0G2T 1A1C0G0T 0A0C1G1T 1A0C1G0T 0A1C0G1T 
resolution: 2           sigma: 8
encoding...: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 7/7 [00:00<00:00, 368.16it/s]
mapping...: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 7/7 [00:02<00:00,  2.65it/s]
Decode DNA sequences to bit segments by coding scheme.
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 56/56 [00:22<00:00,  2.54it/s]
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 7/7 [00:00<00:00, 51.60it/s]
decoding...: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 7/7 [00:23<00:00,  3.39s/it]
CHN, None, sme introduction.txt, 0.078, 2.66, 45.913, True, 7, 7, 100.0%

Evaluation log: 
evaluated coding schemes, evaluated files, evaluated error correction, original segment length, perturbation
[CHN], [sme introduction.txt], [None], 288, {nucleotide insertion: 0.001, nucleotide mutation: 0.03, nucleotide deletion: 0.001, sequence loss: 0, iterations: 1}
task id, coding scheme, error-correction, file, payload length, index length, error-correction length, information density, encoding runtime, decoding runtime, error rate, error indices, error bit segments, transcoding state, success rate
task 0, CHN, None, sme introduction.txt, 288, 0, 0, 0.078, 2.66, 45.913, None, None, None, True, 100.0%

The robustness testing should take around 40 seconds on a typical desktop computer.

What is needed


Please make sure that your environment has MUSCLE. This module can generate ensembles of high-accuracy alternative alignments. See for more details and license restrictions.

After installing MUSCLE, make sure that it is placed in your system path.


For clustering each replica of specific DNA sequence, MMseqs2 is needed. See for more details and license restrictions.

After installing MMseqs2, make sure that it is placed in your system path.

Files Tree Diagram

├── assembly                          // The temporary output during alignment and assembly while running
├── Chamaeleo                         // Chamaeleo - a collection focused on different codec methods for DNA storage
│    ├── ...                          // See more details in ""
├── CHN                               // CHN codec file and some modified .py file based on Chamaeleo
│    ├──                  // 
│    ├──                  // The main body of CHN codec
│    ├──               // Modified from Chamaeleo
│    ├──                   // Modified from Chamaeleo
│    ├──             // Modified from Chamaeleo
│    ├──                     // Some tools for DNA data recovery 
│    ├──                     // Some functions for CHN codec
├── CHN_invitro                       // Scripts of in vitro DNA storage data recovery
│    ├── test                         // Files generated by intermediate steps during data processing
│    ├── test_result                  // Files generated by intermediate steps during data processing
│    ├── tmp                          // Files generated by intermediate steps during data processing
│    ├──                  // 
│    ├──                  // The main body of CHN codec
│    ├──                    // Encoding example files into DNA strands
│    ├──                    // Recovering stored data files from raw DNA reads
│    ├──                   // Minimap2 scripts --- mapping reads
│    ├──              // Generate read info dictionary based on read ID
│    ├──              // Grouping raw DNA reads by barcodes and anchors
│    ├──                     // Some tools for DNA data recovery 
│    ├──                     // Some functions for CHN codec
│    ├── examples                     // Examples files
│    │    ├── sme introduction.txt    // An example file
│    │    ├── sme logo.jpg            // An example file
├── .gitmodules                       // Upload submodule file
├── environment.yml                   // Modules required for running
├──                         // Description of this repository
├──                // Functional test for CHN code based on Chamaeleo

Reproducing the in vitro analysis

To evaluate Composite-Hedges-Nanopores, we encoded the files sme introduction.txt and sme logo.jpg, which can be found in the ./CHN_invitro/examples/ folder. The encoded files are then synthesized, amplified, and sequenced. For encoding, run the command is as follows:

$ cd CHN_invitro && python

In order to reproduce the decoding of sequencing data, it must first be downloaded from the sequence read archive. The sequencing .fastq data has been deposited in the CNSA ( of the CNGBdb with accession CNP0005551.

$ cd CHN_invitro && python && python && python && python

Remember that the paths in the file above must be adjusted before decoding.

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