This is the README file for the retroutils repository. This repository contains utilities developed to work with the SIMH classic computer simulators. INDEX OF UTILITIES bin2load: Tool to convert an a.out executable or a memory binary image file to the format that the "load" command of the PDP-11 simulator understands ("paper tape format") BlinkenServer: Hardware implementation of a "blinkenlights" display for the SIMH pdp11. Contains a GPIO based version (to be used with a Raspberry Pi) and a Serial based (to be used with an arduino). JBlinkenServer: Software implementation of a "blinkenlights" console for the SIMH pdp-11 simh-patches: Patches for the SIMH pdp-11 simulator to use the blinkenlights stuff. NOT RECOMMENDED. Use my own branch of SIMH at vaxtools: Several VMS utilities (idle process killer, clock adjuster, "mainframe like" hex file dumper. DecnetListener: Pcap-based sniffer for DECNET hello packets. DecnetListenerPlus: A little bit more sofisticante DecnetListener, written in C++. DecnetTFT: Arduino sketch to drive a ST7735 based TFT display and an ENC28J60 ethernet adapter to monitor and display DECNET adjacencies. It works using an Arduino UNO and would probably als work with a Leonardo or Micro (not tested). I personally use a standalone MCU to run it. ==== xterm-xresources: .xresources file to make xterm similar to a VT220.