
A full-featured blogware based on JAMSTACK (strapi + nuxt), with rich markdown extensions for music notation, math typesetting, charting, UML, code syntax highlight, etc...

Primary LanguageVue

Strapi-Nuxt blog

A full-featured blogware based on JAMSTACK (Strapi for backend and Nuxt for frontend). Comes with rich markdown extensions to blog music notations, math typesetting, charting, UML diagrams, code syntaxt highlighting, etc...


  • Full-featured Strapi built-in Backend includes
    • Admin panel
      • WYSIWYG Editor
      • User roles & permissions management
      • Extensible content type management system
    • Simple RESTful API and client library
    • And customized with
      • Tags
      • i18n plugin
      • Custom Toast UI Editor plugin with built-in markdown extensions
        • Music Notations (Customized plugin using abc.js & alphatab)
        • Math typesetting (Customized plugin using mathjax)
        • Code syntax highlight (TUI built-in with prismjs)
        • Chart (TUI built-in with tui-chart)
        • UML diagram (TUI built-in with PlantUML)
  • Frontend (Nuxt-based SPA, can run in CSR, SSR, or SSG mode)
    • Simple & responsive one-column blog template
    • Categories as menu
    • i18n with dynamic routing and non-english slugs supported
    • Sitemap/RSS feed module included with dynamic & non-english route support
    • GTM module included to track (Nuxt-Route-based) pageviews in GA

Get it start and running

git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:yshlin/strapi-nuxt-blog.git
# or later `git submodule update —init —reursive` if `--recurse-submodules` not provided initially

# Install backend dependencies
cd strapi-nuxt-blog/backend/plugins/strapi-plugin-wysiwyg-toastui/submodules/tui.editor
npm install
cd ../../
# now in strapi-nuxt-blog/backend/plugins/strapi-plugin-wysiwyg-toastui/
npm install
cd ../../
# now in strapi-nuxt-blog/backend/
npm install
# run strapi backend, access via http://localhost:1337/admin
npm run develop

# use another terminal to install frontend dependencies
cd ../frontend/
# now in strapi-nuxt-blog/frontend/
npm install
npm syncassets
# run nuxt frontend, access from http://localhost:3000/
npm run develop

Generate and deploy your static site

When you are ready to publish your static blog, run:

cd frontend/
# now in strapi-nuxt-blog/frontend/
npm run generate
# deploy on netlify, following the command line instructions
npm run deploy:netlify

Notes on backup and restore

Currently, it's simple to back up and restore blog data, just simply copy these 2 folders:



  • Integrate netlify deploy on strapi admin panel
  • Better initial data to demonstrate the capability of the blogware
  • Externalize project-specific config to backend or config files
  • Containerize to simplify install process