- 4
Vuforia/UIGLViewProtocol.h' file not found
#48 opened by strappvivek - 0
Any support for v9-0-12?
#69 opened by karasahinemre - 2
Vuforia sdk 8.+ no build
#68 opened by djardon - 4
- 0
- 2
Unable to run sample
#30 opened by KarthiPnsmy - 0
Using cloud recognition
#65 opened by FritzHsiao - 0
Cylinder Target Issue, Please Help Me
#64 opened by adamjensen86 - 1
- 6
'Vuforia/UIGLViewProtocol.h' file not found & failed to emit precompiled header
#47 opened by kedarFlippar - 0
- 0
displaying content from multiple targets ?
#56 opened by nleclerc - 1
Broken with Vuforia SDK v7.2.20
#55 opened by MatejBalantic - 3
#57 opened by SlavaIsaev2020 - 1
Hi! iOS 12 Vuforia 7-2 +
#58 opened by eugeneyatsenko - 1
#59 opened by mattcoll - 5
Vuforia V7.5.20 and Swift
#60 opened by fabiopratta - 0
Unable to get the scan with keypoints
#54 opened by strappvivek - 1
How to get VuMark id
#53 opened by davo156 - 2
How to make node facing camera always.
#52 opened by harikeerthipati - 2
Rotate node inside SCNScene with camera
#49 opened by sharadchauhan0504 - 1
- 1
#51 opened by cengizhan-ozcan - 2
- 4
Unable to bind video background texture!!
#40 opened by NickAtGit - 0
Using this example with overlaySKScene
#45 opened by tomhartley - 2
- 3
Vuforia 7
#35 opened by fabrizotus - 1
How to add my own image targets?
#21 opened by iMishaDev - 1
- 0
#42 opened by akshay-cemtrexlabs - 3
SCN object shaky
#33 opened by smahurkar - 4
#38 opened by hibamalhiss - 3
Dragging an object
#37 opened by mackonen - 3
- 3
Update for SDK 6.5.23?
#31 opened by dppeak - 1
VuMark support
#24 opened by leeprobert - 2
Random Crash
#29 opened by Meonardo - 1
Touch area offset
#26 opened by DanijelHuis - 1
Sample Code License?
#27 opened by japostoles - 1
How to show dae file by SceneKit
#25 opened by ChokWah - 1
Does "dataSet" destroy too early?
#28 opened by Meonardo - 2
- 23
- 1
Is it possible to take a Screenshot that contains layers (UIKit elements) and the OpenGL elements?
#22 opened by jarrillaga - 0
symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
#20 opened by mewil - 8
Playing video
#16 opened - 0
Play audio in background
#18 opened by shekhar1911 - 4
need help
#13 opened by hisothreed - 3