
Decentralized Finance threats, attack vectors, and mitigation strategies resource repo

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

DeFi Threat Matrix

This work is inspired by attack.mitre.org. Please use attack for "normal" InfoSec/Dev/Sys security checklisting, this is ment to be specalized towards the unique issues brought about in blockchain/cryptocurrency applications (i.e. protocols).


Please fork this repo and update the "csv" file only (for now). We will update the table and google sheet ourselves.


Organize attacks into primary categories Organize attacks into folders with sub-folders for each attack Organize mitigation strat. and "best practices" Provide a list of tools, articles, and resources (i.e. an "awesome-list") Encourage community driven feedback


Which format should files be in? Markdown CSV JSON


Should tags for "potential" attacks or attacks that have been successful be utilized, and if so how implemented

Repo Structure

  • csv .csv file containing the primary attack/potential attack planes
  • documents .md files containing various proposed "best practices", for example incident response plan is an example of how teams should best communicate with their userbase and is based off of existing regulatory requirements
  • LICENSE MIT License
  • README.md The file you are reading right meow.

Protocol / Interaction Based Blockchain Transaction Based Non-Blockchain Sources Blockchain Sources Contract Language
Market Attacks Economic Attack Off-Chain On-Chain Solidity
Front-Running Front-Running Price Feed Timestamp Dependence Integer Overflow and Underflow
Coordinated Attack Insufficient gas griefing Quote Stuffing Admin Key DoS with (Unexpected) revert
Liquidity Pocket Token Inflation Spoofing Timelock DoS with Block Gas Limit
Quote Stuffing Circulating Supply Attack Credential Access Lateral Movements Arithmetic Over/Under Flows
Wash Trading Gas Griefing (DoS) Reentrancy Multi-Sig Keys Forcibly Sending Ether to a Contract
Ramping The Market Network Congestion (uDoS) Privilage Esclation Miner Cartel Delegatecall
Cornering The Market Credential Access Finality Entropy Illusion
Churning Encryption Protections Short Address/Parameter Attack
Flash Loans Phishing Uninitialised Storage Pointers
Aggregated Transactions Unicode Exploits Floating Points and Numerical Precision
Bulge Bracket Transactions API Right-To-Left-Override control character (U+202E)
Layering DNS Attacks Delegatecall to Untrusted Callee
Spoofing Transaction Pool Transaction Pool Requirement Violation
Order Book Checksum Address Shadowing State Variables
Market Index Calculation Attack Transaction Order Dependence
Flash Crash Assert Violation
Repo Uninitialized Storage Pointer
Excessive Leverage Unprotected Ether Withdrawal
"Breaking the ""Buck""" Floating Pragma
"""Fake"" News" Outdated Compiler Version
Nested Bot Function Default Visibility
Audience of Bots
Arb. Exploit
Slippage Exploit
Safety Check Exploits
Circulating Supply Dump
Governance Cartel
"Flash ""Straddle"" "

MIT License - Any rights or Trademarks are property of their respective owners. We Make No Claims on them whatsoever.