Solving 3D incompressible Navier Stokes equation using finite difference method with uniform grid in parallel. The incompressibility is implemented using pressure-corr
ection scheme and linear (Poisson) solver is implemented using multigrid v-cycle.
The code is pretty much based on this MATLAB implementation. The documentation is [here](\ se/codes/mit18086_navierstokes.pdf).
Incompressible Navier Stokes Equation:
Incompressibility condition:
3D cubic domain [0,1]^3.
Dicirhlet boundary conditions for veocities and Neumann boundary condition for pressure are implemented. The velocity on the boundary can be specified in double bcs[3][6] array (first dimension specifies x- y- z- velocity, second dimsension specifies the face of the cube).
- The cubic domain is discretized by unform staggered grid.
- The partial differential equations are discretized using finite difference method.
- Parallelization is implemented by OpenMP.
- Pressure-correction scheme is used to enforce incompressibility.
./multigrid [# of threads] [max level of v-cycle] [x-grid size] [y-grid size] [z-grid size]