gripper doesn't open from editor
Opened this issue · 1 comments
when clicking on Open Gripper on the editor, it doesn't work
Check that the goal is being sent & received in the correct topics:
: creates an action server and sends a goal command to this. If this is not the same one as the one specified inaction_names.h
, it will not be received by the UR action actuator.
<ros-action-client id="armAction" server="/rapid_pbd/gripper_action" action-type="control_msgs/GripperCommandAction" ros="[[ros]]"></ros-action-client>
check that the gripper action client receives the goal. check the rosnode for the gripper action client, and the rostopic that it is listening to for the goal.
rosnode info /robotiq_2f_gripper_action_server
Listen to the gripper goal rostopicrostopic echo /gripper/goal
You can also see that the UR actuator server listens to the same rostopic. Find the rostopic that the editor publishes to
rosnode info /rapid_pbd/ur_actuator_server
or rosnode info /rapid_pbd/editor_node | grep gripper
Then listen to this rostopic rostopic echo /rapid_pbd/gripper_action/goal
Finally, click the close button on the UI to see if the goal is passed to both.
If not, the rostopic names are wrong.