0.Clone this repositary to your PC
1.Go to simulator_help_files folder. Edit file docker-compose.yaml. Change the 3 lines below volumes to
Replace <path_to_repositary> with the directory that you clone the repositary.
Build simulatorwrapper image
Run command
dts devel build -f
Start related duckiebot containers
Run command docker-compose up
from the directory where the file docker-compose.yaml resides.
Start docker container
Run command
dts devel run
Monitor and publish rostopic
Run command
dts start_gui_tools fakebot
docker run -it --net host duckietown/dt-ros-commons:daffy-amd64 /bin/bash
To monitor image publisher, run command rqt_image_view
and select topic /fakebot/camera_node/image/compressed .
To change wheel velocity, run command rostopic pub /fakebot/wheels_driver_node/wheels_cmd /fakebot/kinematics_node 'auto','X','Y'
. Replace X and Y with desired velocity of left and right wheel, respectively.