
(unicode 2021) A dapp where users can swap ETH to DAI and send them to multiple addresses

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Stable Coins Converter

Add to Homescreen

A dapp where users can swap ETH to DAI and send them to multiple addreses

Skynet Tasks

  • Deploy your app’s front-end on Skynet with Homescreen support
  • Adding a working "Save to Homescreen" link in the Github repo
  • Using an ENS or HNS decentralized domain name for the web app
  • Use the Deploy to Skynet Github action for building and deploying your frontend automatically

Links to example use of Uniswap v3


  • Users can swap ETH with DAI using Uniswap v3 Single Swaps
  • Users can send DAI to multiple addresses


  • React
  • semantic-ui
  • Hardhat
  • Uniswap v3 ISwapRouter
  • Uniswap v3 IQuoter

Running the dapp on local host

  • Clone or download this repository
  • Run npm i to install the dependencies
  • Run npx hardhat compile
  • Create a file called '.env' on the root folder and add the following code
PRIVATEKEY=< Your ETH Address Private key >
ALCHEMYAPI_KEY=< Your Alchemy API key >
  • Run npx hardhat run scripts/sample-script.js --network kovan to deploy the contract to Kovan Testnet
  • Run npm start to start the dapp


These contracts are not audited. Please review this code on your own before using any of the following code for production. I will not be responsible or liable for all loss or damage caused from this project.